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Fun with ghetto names

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  • Fun with ghetto names

    Short list of of my wife's student roster. Names are real and spelled correctly!
    This is just a small sample.

    Mich'ael G.
    Kaylah P.
    Crisswuell M.
    Ceassa M.
    Khusi A.
    Jaliad S.
    Josh'uwa S.
    Bria'usey C.
    Ja'Toia D.
    Dajia B.
    Ketoria L.
    Dayarion L.
    Pamarion L.
    Khaneal J.
    An'aley O.
    Aviane H.
    Derricka H.
    Deshayla H.
    De'undy N.
    D'shauntry N.
    Jadariaus M.
    Jimmia G.
    De'winia D.
    Rixy D.
    Lav'arion L.
    Jamielia L..
    Emmitria L.
    Maegania R.
    Mariyah R.

    My favorite name

    Joloxin O. sounds like a medication!

    Yaselina O.
    Janerica W.
    Jaylon W.
    Moritavia M.
    Shi'ann M.
    Jy'ray F.
    Gan'trail F.
    Heavenly F.
    Ja'neth P.

    My sec favorite name

    Lexa'niria G. sounds like a bad case of runny stool

  • #2
    I actually don't believe you.
    If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
    ){ :|:& };:


    • #3
      DFG, and you wonder why people call you racist?
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #4
        To be fair, if those were actually representative of the black community, it would be an extremely disturbing sociological trend.
        If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
        ){ :|:& };:


        • #5
          De'undy probably get's pants'd daily ...


          • #6
            Otherwise, who cares ... you really think naming your kids after Hebrews that lived millenia ago makes any sort of sense?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
              I actually don't believe you.

              You can't be serious.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sava View Post
                DFG, and you wonder why people call you racist?

                Pointing out the stupidity of parents for giving these children awkward names is no way racist.
                You got too much PC in you bro.
                All you have to do is read the news and see the names of the criminals.
                Did you even notice TRAVION"S name?


                • #9
                  PC my ass. You are a racist fuck.
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                    To be fair, if those were actually representative of the black community, it would be an extremely disturbing sociological trend.
                    HC, (no disrespect to you) but your comment tells me that you live a sheltered life and nothing wrong with that.
                    You need to get out, soak up some culture and check it for yourself. You may be surprised or shocked at what you find.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Docfeelgood View Post
                      Short list of of my wife's student roster. Names are real and spelled correctly!
                      This is just a small sample.

                      Mich'ael G.
                      Kaylah P.
                      Crisswuell M.
                      Ceassa M.
                      Khusi A.
                      Jaliad S.
                      Josh'uwa S.
                      Bria'usey C.
                      Ja'Toia D.
                      Dajia B.
                      Ketoria L.
                      Dayarion L.
                      Pamarion L.
                      Khaneal J.
                      An'aley O.
                      Aviane H.
                      Derricka H.
                      Deshayla H.
                      De'undy N.
                      D'shauntry N.
                      Jadariaus M.
                      Jimmia G.
                      De'winia D.
                      Rixy D.
                      Lav'arion L.
                      Jamielia L..
                      Emmitria L.
                      Maegania R.
                      Mariyah R.

                      My favorite name

                      Joloxin O. sounds like a medication!

                      Yaselina O.
                      Janerica W.
                      Jaylon W.
                      Moritavia M.
                      Shi'ann M.
                      Jy'ray F.
                      Gan'trail F.
                      Heavenly F.
                      Ja'neth P.

                      My sec favorite name

                      Lexa'niria G. sounds like a bad case of runny stool
                      I didn't find it particularly funny.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sava View Post
                        PC my ass. You are a racist fuck.
                        u man but you are a blind and deaf fool that lives in a make believe world where you think everyone drinks unicorn milk and eats rainbow stew. One day the real world is going rise up and bite you on your ass and you won't be prepaired to face the truth.


                        • #13
                          Please go away.
                          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                          • #14
                            What's funny about them? Maybe we need the last name to get the joke?... or is it a 'Merikan thang...?
                            There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Docfeelgood View Post
                              u man but you are a blind and deaf fool that lives in a make believe world where you think everyone drinks unicorn milk and eats rainbow stew. One day the real world is going rise up and bite you on your ass and you won't be prepaired to face the truth.
                              No it won't. That's what his meds are for.
                              Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                              "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                              He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead

