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European Union takes tougher stance on Israeli settlements

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  • #76
    Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
    I'm saying the Geneva Conventions aren't a description of what is moral, and moreover just because something was allowed in 1945 but forbidden in 1960 or vice versa doesn't make it moral or immoral. Moreover, the Geneva Convention is only enforceable through the threat of not following it if your enemy doesn't.
    No you gimp, it's enforcable through the treat of the rest of the world grouping together and kicking 16 types of **** out of whatever group of savage ass ****ing barbarians decide that murdering POW's, slaughtering civilians and wiping out cities indiscriminately is somehow ok. It took a long time for the world to reach a point where countries were democractic and civilized enough to reach that kind of understanding, and more to the point it took a few hundred million deaths and a couple of wars that ripped the established world to peices and through the application of modern technology tested every peice of established theory to its core.

    The conventions (and international law in general) exist because when they didn't exist things happened which killed numbers beyond imagining. It's happened before twice now, and it can very easily happen again. The only thing that stops it is the world standing up and saying that some things are not acceptable. It's more than a little ironic that it was an American president who first led the charge for a league of nations to stand together with common values and protect the rights of all men. Now you happily piss on those ideals and a large part of America treats the concept of international law with contempt and disdain. Shame on you.


    • #77
      Seriously, this is simply a self-perpetuating cycle of brutality. People who grew up getting reamed by Israel are not going to decide to coexist peacefully with it. Keeping them in cages, stealing their land, and arbitrarily restricting their access to all kinds of supplies--that is not how you get people to come to the table and compromise. It hasn't worked in the past, and there's no reason to believe it will work in the future. Some of it might be explained by human weakness (fear, anger, spite, etc.) overriding human reason, but it's hard to believe that nobody sees how this won't work. Even if they keep up the pressure forever, they're still left with a large, disgruntled population on their periphery who can't sustain themselves or contribute to the country's economy. The best they can manage is to destroy their leadership; that works pretty well for the U.S., but only because we're not stuck living next to the terrorists afterwards. For Israel, it'd be almost worse, because without leadership of some kind there's no way to restrain or control them at all. It'd be like if South Korea decided to manufacture its own post-Kim-dynasty-collapse DPRK. Where does this end?
      1011 1100
      Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


      • #78
        Originally posted by Elok View Post
        Seriously, this is simply a self-perpetuating cycle of brutality. People who grew up getting reamed by Israel are not going to decide to coexist peacefully with it. Keeping them in cages, stealing their land, and arbitrarily restricting their access to all kinds of supplies--that is not how you get people to come to the table and compromise. It hasn't worked in the past, and there's no reason to believe it will work in the future. Some of it might be explained by human weakness (fear, anger, spite, etc.) overriding human reason, but it's hard to believe that nobody sees how this won't work. Even if they keep up the pressure forever, they're still left with a large, disgruntled population on their periphery who can't sustain themselves or contribute to the country's economy. The best they can manage is to destroy their leadership; that works pretty well for the U.S., but only because we're not stuck living next to the terrorists afterwards. For Israel, it'd be almost worse, because without leadership of some kind there's no way to restrain or control them at all. It'd be like if South Korea decided to manufacture its own post-Kim-dynasty-collapse DPRK. Where does this end?

        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #79
          Ken, I'd like that to be true, but honestly, we tend to hew, haw and stumble when it comes to actually stopping atrocities. Rwanda and Darfur went on largely unhindered, and most of us are barely even aware of the horrifying **** going down in the Congo. Let alone China or NK, who would be much harder to tackle.

          Also, I think most of the (relative) peace since WWII is due to nukes. We had to stick to invading weak little nations and proxy wars, because the potential cost of direct imperialism was just too great.
          1011 1100
          Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


          • #80
            Originally posted by kentonio View Post
            No you gimp, it's enforcable through the treat of the rest of the world grouping together and kicking 16 types of **** out of whatever group of savage ass ****ing barbarians decide that murdering POW's, slaughtering civilians and wiping out cities indiscriminately is somehow ok.
            In that case we should all be invading Gaza and kicking 16 types of **** out of them. Seems like the Israelis are the only ones who have gotten the message and are following through with it.

            The idea of the Israelis stealing Palestinian land is also pretty ****ing stupid Elok, especially for the younger generation which has never seen what is supposedly their "home." They live in Gaza/West Bank now, that is their land, the end.


            • #82
              Originally posted by Elok View Post
              It would be tragically hilarious if they had to blow up two more kids to afford a new house. Failing that, creating a large, homeless, unemployed, angry underclass is really not conducive to long-term peace; either Israel is planning to liquidate these people, or they're idiots. Dumb, evil, or a little of both? Who knows?
              Bulldozing the houses brought suicide bombings screeching to a halt. It was a pretty effective policy.
              If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
              ){ :|:& };:


              • #83
                Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                Bulldozing the houses brought suicide bombings screeching to a halt. It was a pretty effective policy.
                Or, the other way around of course. Not surprisingly, the worst phase of suicide bombing happened when the Israeli government pursued a policy of landgrabbing.
                "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
                "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


                • #84
                  Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                  Most of the world is tinpot dictatorships, I wouldn't think much of it.

                  There's that detailed, exhaustive and incisive analysis of history and politics I always eagerly look forward to. Stick to fetishizing firearms- at least then you're amusing, in a sad & mad way.
                  Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                  ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915

