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Benghazi Will Screw Obama, Which He Deserves

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  • Oh, also: either Bill Clinton had sex with a LOT of women, or he had really bad taste in them, given the number that were willing to sell him out for 15 minutes of fame. Monica herself strikes me as very, very creepy...they found the cumstain on her ain't hard to wash that out of clothes, so apparently she kept it in her closet, unwashed, splattered in batter for months.


    • Originally posted by DinoDoc View Post
      Obama would refer to them as bitter clingers to guns, religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them. I would simply call you a moron and say that policy difference account for most of the so-called hate and hysterical overreactions on the part of snoopy and yourself account for the rest of the perception.
      That's because you're a racist little dip**** who hasn't got the balls to admit that the scary coloured man in the White House just makes you uncomfortable.

      The sheer quantity of lies that you ****ers use to defame this president are simply staggering. He could cure cancer tomorrow and you'd say that he had the cure for years and was holding it back to benefit his cronies and was actually responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths.

      Seriously, there's so many things that you could oppose this president on and still maintain some integrity, but instead you attack him on literally every single thing he says, does or even implies. I was willing to give a lot of you the benefit of the doubt for a long time in case you were just hyper partisan dumbasses, but I've reached the conclusion that no, you actually are just racist ****s.


      • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
        you actually are just racist ****s.
        It seems the vehemence you carry on with this line of attack with no degree of rhetorical or factual support indicates a large amount of psychological projection on your part.
        I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
        For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


        • It isn't that he's black, it's that he's an idiot. I like Connie Rice still. She's black, if you don't know. Playing the race card yet again. I guess when all else fails, whip it out.
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
          "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
          He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


          • Originally posted by DinoDoc View Post
            It seems the vehemence you carry on with this line of attack with no degree of rhetorical or factual support indicates a large amount of psychological projection on your part.
            Oh are we back on the new GOP trick of repeating **** back to people like a kid shouting 'I know you are, so what am I?'

            We need a /golfclap emote for this crap.


            • Originally posted by SlowwHand View Post
              It isn't that he's black, it's that he's an idiot. I like Connie Rice still. She's black, if you don't know. Playing the race card yet again. I guess when all else fails, whip it out.
              Let me guess, some of your best friends are black, right?


              • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                That's because you're a racist little dip**** who hasn't got the balls to admit that the scary coloured man in the White House just makes you uncomfortable.

                The sheer quantity of lies that you ****ers use to defame this president are simply staggering. He could cure cancer tomorrow and you'd say that he had the cure for years and was holding it back to benefit his cronies and was actually responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths.

                Seriously, there's so many things that you could oppose this president on and still maintain some integrity, but instead you attack him on literally every single thing he says, does or even implies. I was willing to give a lot of you the benefit of the doubt for a long time in case you were just hyper partisan dumbasses, but I've reached the conclusion that no, you actually are just racist ****s.
                I'm impressed that your racism radar can detect what people are thinking from thousands of miles away.


                • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                  Oh are we back on the new GOP trick of repeating **** back to people like a kid shouting 'I know you are, so what am I?'
                  Am I to take seriously your screeching that I'm a racist ****? You demand more respect than that canard is due without more to back it up.
                  I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                  For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                  • Originally posted by DinoDoc View Post
                    Am I to take seriously your screeching that I'm a racist ****? You demand more respect than that canard is due without more to back it up.
                    I think it's pretty self apparent by this point. We're simply running out of alternative options for what else could excuse your blind hatred for the first African American President.


                    • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                      I think it's pretty self apparent by this point. We're simply running out of alternative options for what else could excuse your blind hatred for the first African American President.
                      Since the race card is the last resort of the intellectually bankrupt (similar to when Conservatives accuse their opponents of being communists to give themselves permission to ignore what is being said), can I take this as an admission that you can not defend the Administration's actions in this incident or broader record?
                      I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                      For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                      • Dude, DD is not a racist; he's a troll.
                        Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                        "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                        • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                          Let me guess, some of your best friends are black, right?
                          As a matter of fact, yes, you little smartass.
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                          "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                          He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                          • He is not talking about your guns, sloww.
                            "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


                            • Those are blued, not black.
                              Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                              "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                              He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                              • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                                I think it's pretty self apparent by this point. We're simply running out of alternative options for what else could excuse your blind hatred for the first African American President.
                                Jesus tap dancing Christ, kentonio.

                                DinoDoc and I agree on almost nothing when it comes to politics. But do I think he is a racist? Not for a ****ing second.

                                Get a grip, man.
                                "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                                "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud

