The new Simcity

Poor sims speak ghetto simlish.
Only low wealth white trash sims attends motocross events
Green energy is functionally useless
Up to 7 squad cars and a police chopper can chase 1 criminal for stealing a donut, then impound him for a year of "Rehabilitation" in a police station dungeon
Buildings with sick workers sound like a Nazi death camp when you click on them
Cannot name any city "Towelheadville," "Gookville" or any racial slur + ville.

Poor sims speak ghetto simlish.

Only low wealth white trash sims attends motocross events

Green energy is functionally useless

Up to 7 squad cars and a police chopper can chase 1 criminal for stealing a donut, then impound him for a year of "Rehabilitation" in a police station dungeon

Buildings with sick workers sound like a Nazi death camp when you click on them

Cannot name any city "Towelheadville," "Gookville" or any racial slur + ville.
