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Starving the beast: the U.S. Military

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  • You mean like the study I quoted from earlier than showed correlation between recovery rates and socio-economic standing taking low income recovery below Ontario rates or like.. a different one?


    • Well, a different one. You see your source (which you didn't even bother citing) is the Journal of Clinical Oncology 1999 Jul;17(7):2244-55. Mine was The Lancet Oncology, Volume 9, Issue 8, Pages 730 - 756, August 2008. MrFun's was nothing, because he just pulled his FTFY out of thin air.
      John Brown did nothing wrong.


      • And saying that rich people get better care is not surprising to anybody with a pulse. The relevant fact of The Lancet's study is that in spite of our imbalances in health care, we still manage to have an overall higher survival rate than many other countries.

        EDIT: Here's a hint, since you guys seem to suck at arguing with me. Maybe the United States has a higher survival rate because diagnosis methods are inconsistent from country to country. Maybe uninsured Americans are never diagnosed with cancer, since they never see a doctor. Maybe aggressive screening procedures catch cancer earlier, so that the five year survival rate is inflated by people who die after six or seven years. Maybe there are better ways of judging a health care system other than cancer survival rates. Come on, use your ****ing heads.
        John Brown did nothing wrong.


        • Originally posted by Felch View Post
          I get it now. MtG is never wrong, and when it appears that he is, he's just "trolling." Because it's easier to claim that you're just a really good troll than to ever admit that you're wrong.
          Um.. he posts things about class warfare being putting the rich to the walls and you don't think he's trolling? Seriously?
          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


          • Originally posted by Felch View Post
            And saying that rich people get better care is not surprising to anybody with a pulse. The relevant fact of The Lancet's study is that in spite of our imbalances in health care, we still manage to have an overall higher survival rate than many other countries.

            EDIT: Here's a hint, since you guys seem to suck at arguing with me. Maybe the United States has a higher survival rate because diagnosis methods are inconsistent from country to country. Maybe uninsured Americans are never diagnosed with cancer, since they never see a doctor. Maybe aggressive screening procedures catch cancer earlier, so that the five year survival rate is inflated by people who die after six or seven years. Maybe there are better ways of judging a health care system other than cancer survival rates. Come on, use your ****ing heads.
            Why would we need to? America having a ****ty healthcare system for the poor isn't exactly a well kept secret.


            • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
              Why would we need to? America having a ****ty healthcare system for the poor isn't exactly a well kept secret.
              I guess the well-kept secret is that your assertion isn't actually true.


              • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                I guess the well-kept secret is that your assertion isn't actually true.
                You know the way when you said something to that effect earlier lots of people laughed at you? Yeah that.


                • Originally posted by Felch View Post
                  EDIT: Here's a hint, since you guys seem to suck at arguing with me.
                  So you're not just butthurt about getting trolled by MtG. You also have delusions of being a masterful debater.


                  • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                    I guess the well-kept secret is that your assertion isn't actually true.
                    So people in the US who die from lack of coverage are actually wealthy?


                    • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui View Post
                      Um.. he posts things about class warfare being putting the rich to the walls and you don't think he's trolling? Seriously?
                      How was that a troll? He's 100% right. Class warfare in the end is all about killing the rich and taking their ****. It happened in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba, you name it. His criticism of me was my overuse of the phrase "class warfare," which apparently flew right over your head. He only started to claim it was a troll when I showed how MrFun brought up the whole class issue in the first place.
                      John Brown did nothing wrong.


                      • Originally posted by gribbler View Post
                        So you're not just butthurt about getting trolled by MtG. You also have delusions of being a masterful debater.
                        I'm just a one eyed man in the land of the blind.
                        John Brown did nothing wrong.


                        • Originally posted by Felch View Post
                          I get it now. MtG is never wrong, and when it appears that he is, he's just "trolling." Because it's easier to claim that you're just a really good troll than to ever admit that you're wrong.
                          How does "right" or "wrong" associate with a statement that I'm jumping to MrFun's defense?
                          When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                          • You're never wrong. You're just trolling. Even when some douche does some cliche FTFY crap, and you defend him. You're just trolling. We get it.
                            John Brown did nothing wrong.


                            • Originally posted by Felch View Post
                              How was that a troll? He's 100% right. Class warfare in the end is all about killing the rich and taking their ****. It happened in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba, you name it. His criticism of me was my overuse of the phrase "class warfare," which apparently flew right over your head. He only started to claim it was a troll when I showed how MrFun brought up the whole class issue in the first place.
                              Actually, if you look at the history of the countries you list, and the extreme legal and political inequity, lots of the people lined up against a wall had it coming. Cambodia is a special case - that was killing cult lunacy disguised as communism.

                              However, we weren't talking about revolutionary history in those countries. We were talking about this country specifically, the good ol' US of A, and "class warfare" in the very specific context of how it is used as a strawman by the right to label any discussion regarding tax increases, regulation, etc. If you're not in favor of regurgitating the 19th century laissez faire approach, you are "punishing success." or "engaging in class warfare" or "jealous of success" or a "taker" rather than a "maker" or other such histrionic horse**** we've heard out of the pieholes of such folk as McConnell, Gingrich and many others.

                              "Class warfare" in this country in this day and age is not about literally lining anyone up against the wall. It's about the whining of the privileged and their lapdogs and bootlickers when they sense their playing field may not be tilted their way quite so much any more.
                              When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                              • Originally posted by Felch View Post
                                I'm just a one eyed man in the land of the blind.
                                The one eyed man is only king if his head isn't up his ass. Otherwise, he senses even less than the blind men.
                                When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."

