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School Shooting

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  • Oh, 'of course', how silly of me.
    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


    • If you steal your mom's guns and you don't have enough ammo there's no problem, just head on down to Walmart.
      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


      • Originally posted by Felch View Post
        So election fraud doesn't exist in your world either? Just how naive are you?
        So naive that instead of stocking up on guns to prevent a government takeover I think it makes a teensy bit more sense to do things like investigate election fraud/stop electing dangerous politicians with extremist ideas/actually take a little responsibility for maintaining a stable, well run society rather than planning for its overthrow etc.

        Then again I live in a country that did get rid of its guns and has had a marked lack of tyrannical dictators marching over it. It's almost like your concerns are childish and ridiculous, isn't it?

        Originally posted by Felch View Post
        You seriously think there's widespread support for secession? I guess American jokes become British news. Might explain your warped perception of my country.
        Depends what you call widespread. When you have the governor of one of Americas biggest states spouting secession speak, then it's hardly two nutters in a bunker.

        Originally posted by Felch View Post
        Ammo is age restricted, so if you look like a kid you might need a license to prove you're old enough. Otherwise, no, of course not.
        Says it all really, doesn't it..


        • Why should ammo be restricted? It's not like you can use it without a gun. It's not even that dangerous without a gun. Actually you know what's super fun? Dropping a bunch of .22 rounds into a fire and then diving away and listening to them cook off.


          • Originally posted by kentonio View Post

            Depends what you call widespread. When you have the governor of one of Americas biggest states spouting secession speak, then it's hardly two nutters in a bunker.
            Are you talking about Rick Perry? A lot of Texans believe that because they were annexed they have a right to secede. They don't actually want to exercise it. It's a Texas political thing to reaffirm Texas' option to secede, despite the fact that there is no legal basis for it.
            If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
            ){ :|:& };:


            • Originally posted by Felch View Post
              So election fraud doesn't exist in your world either? Just how naive are you?
              Kindly back this up with data of significant election fraud in the U.S.
              "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
              "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


              • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                Why should ammo be restricted? It's not like you can use it without a gun. It's not even that dangerous without a gun.
                Why should ammo be restricted? How about because while you can't get every gun off the street, ammo is a consumable and one thing you can actually control in the long term.

                Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                Actually you know what's super fun? Dropping a bunch of .22 rounds into a fire and then diving away and listening to them cook off.
                Yep, that's some retarded **** right there.

                Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                Are you talking about Rick Perry? A lot of Texans believe that because they were annexed they have a right to secede. They don't actually want to exercise it. It's a Texas political thing to reaffirm Texas' option to secede, despite the fact that there is no legal basis for it.
                Rick Perry went beyond that a while back IIRC.


                • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                  Yep, that's some retarded **** right there.
                  This might sound surprising, but as long as you have em cook off in something like a metal barrel you'll be fine. The bullet is heavy enough that without a barrel the only thing going anywhere is the brass casing which really couldn't hurt you and would never puncture the barrel.
                  If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                  ){ :|:& };:


                  • Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                    This might sound surprising, but as long as you have em cook off in something like a metal barrel you'll be fine. The bullet is heavy enough that without a barrel the only thing going anywhere is the brass casing which really couldn't hurt you and would never puncture the barrel.
                    It's more the idiocy of playing with anything gun related. I can actually understand gun ownership for hunting, and even for target shooting but people playing around with guns and ammunition is ****ing stupid, and a real sign that someone is far, far too emotionally immature to be around firearms.


                    • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                      Why should ammo be restricted? It's not like you can use it without a gun. It's not even that dangerous without a gun. Actually you know what's super fun? Dropping a bunch of .22 rounds into a fire and then diving away and listening to them cook off.
                      I've seen photographs of a wall after a bullet went through a 6 inch brick wall after being cooked off on a gas hob. It wasn't pretty. IIRC it was a rifle round from the second world war, don't know what size that would be. But to say there is no risk from bullets without guns is an understatement.
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                        Why should ammo be restricted? How about because while you can't get every gun off the street, ammo is a consumable and one thing you can actually control in the long term.
                        Ammo is something you can make in your basement. In fact it's something a lot of people make in their basement. I think Felch does. It's a lot cheaper that way.

                        Yep, that's some retarded **** right there.
                        The trick is you gotta take cover and lie prone so that the little casings don't smack you. If they do hit you it might leave a mark and if they hit bare skin they could cut you but nothing flies fast enough to be really dangerous.


                        • Originally posted by Krill View Post
                          I've seen photographs of a wall after a bullet went through a 6 inch brick wall after being cooked off on a gas hob. It wasn't pretty. IIRC it was a rifle round from the second world war, don't know what size that would be. But to say there is no risk from bullets without guns is an understatement.
                          A .22 doesn't go very fast at all and the bullet doesn't go anywhere, just the casing. If you're throwing .30-06 in there you are supremely retarded. I admit that chucking any bullet in a campfire is pretty dumb, but don't tell me you've never done something stupid but funny.


                          • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                            Ammo is something you can make in your basement. In fact it's something a lot of people make in their basement. I think Felch does. It's a lot cheaper that way.
                            Because of the easy availability of the components, no?


                            • You could make bombs from fertiliser. Doesn't mean it's a good idea....
                              One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                              • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                                Because of the easy availability of the components, no?
                                How do you plan on making them not easily available? It's not like the components are difficult to find. Hell, how would you prevent straw purchases of ammo anyway? They're consumable.

                                Originally posted by Dauphin
                                You could make bombs from fertiliser. Doesn't mean it's a good idea....
                                Building cartridges is not dangerous if you know what you're doing. It's like operating bandsaw in that respect.

                                e: If you were really enterprising it's totally possible to build a submachine gun and its ammunition completely from scratch from unregulated commodities. Submachine guns are pretty much just a stamped receiver, a barrel, and a spring. The ammunition can be made on a lathe (and with some other tools), with recipes for the powder available all over the internet. Primers could probably be manufactured from cap gun caps.
                                Last edited by regexcellent; December 26, 2012, 22:48.

