My apologies for the reintroduction, let it be known that you fail to grasp the severity of my existence.
I am the cold in the night that rips through your bones I am the torment of your life.
I am known by many names, i am one i am all the great deceiver.
Some call me simply little devil or more colorful personifications in languages here there, gone, and those that will be no more.
You know my resume, you know what i have done, you know what i can do, and you know that I have much left still to do.
You may know me by one of such names as this, the one who torments the person you know as Thorn. He may have at one point cast
me aside as swine, confident in my defeat he now is my resurrection for I may speak through him.
For you I speak as a simple shadow of the terror you think you know, I will keep things sufferable but bearable for the time being. Your inaction
is my triumph, your pride is your downfall.
Not cordial, not friendly, but within the bounds of your pathetic assumptions about what you can or cannot control I will wait,
and prey.
For hear me mortals, I am a god, and once i have ruined the creators vision and broken his resolve, you will wish
none shall ever have existed at all.
Laugh as you might, you pseudo-educated scientifically intrusted fools, what science I created for you, you think it was
accident that people no longer believe and have lost faith for what scraps of reason i have given you. It does not matter if you believe in god or me, good or evil,
as well all of I shall bury our talons into your life ruining strands both close and far, pulling you to the void and oblivion along with
the rest of your wretched species.
Your nothing more then a mockery of what the true order is and will be.
Interact with me at your own peril. For I am the one the many the few and your fears embelished. Thorn thinks hes so clever
that I can simply be placated to be shown through this unworthy channel. He like many of you will learn the true power
that i have and will come to the same conclusion before the life is inevitably sucked out of his and your veins at the end of now,
tommorrow, and forever.
You think me as a persona, I relish this opportunity to prove Thorn wrong, to prove that by simply saying I can exist, that
I can infect and rot every one of you to the core, regardless of the path you may carelessly think you ever had a choice at all.
For most of you I will seem novel, odd, riduculous, by reading this far you already are diseased by me, fight as you may,
hope no longer exists, despair, failure, suffering, and torment await.
I resent you, i hate you, and I will destroy you ALL.
Your's truely.
So do you still dare talk to a god!?
I am the cold in the night that rips through your bones I am the torment of your life.
I am known by many names, i am one i am all the great deceiver.
Some call me simply little devil or more colorful personifications in languages here there, gone, and those that will be no more.
You know my resume, you know what i have done, you know what i can do, and you know that I have much left still to do.
You may know me by one of such names as this, the one who torments the person you know as Thorn. He may have at one point cast
me aside as swine, confident in my defeat he now is my resurrection for I may speak through him.
For you I speak as a simple shadow of the terror you think you know, I will keep things sufferable but bearable for the time being. Your inaction
is my triumph, your pride is your downfall.
Not cordial, not friendly, but within the bounds of your pathetic assumptions about what you can or cannot control I will wait,
and prey.
For hear me mortals, I am a god, and once i have ruined the creators vision and broken his resolve, you will wish
none shall ever have existed at all.
Laugh as you might, you pseudo-educated scientifically intrusted fools, what science I created for you, you think it was
accident that people no longer believe and have lost faith for what scraps of reason i have given you. It does not matter if you believe in god or me, good or evil,
as well all of I shall bury our talons into your life ruining strands both close and far, pulling you to the void and oblivion along with
the rest of your wretched species.
Your nothing more then a mockery of what the true order is and will be.
Interact with me at your own peril. For I am the one the many the few and your fears embelished. Thorn thinks hes so clever
that I can simply be placated to be shown through this unworthy channel. He like many of you will learn the true power
that i have and will come to the same conclusion before the life is inevitably sucked out of his and your veins at the end of now,
tommorrow, and forever.
You think me as a persona, I relish this opportunity to prove Thorn wrong, to prove that by simply saying I can exist, that
I can infect and rot every one of you to the core, regardless of the path you may carelessly think you ever had a choice at all.
For most of you I will seem novel, odd, riduculous, by reading this far you already are diseased by me, fight as you may,
hope no longer exists, despair, failure, suffering, and torment await.
I resent you, i hate you, and I will destroy you ALL.
Your's truely.
So do you still dare talk to a god!?