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"Islam: The Eighth Wonder of the World"

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  • "Islam: The Eighth Wonder of the World"

    The following article, translated by Raymond Ibrahim, makes for interesting reading, if only because it summarises some of the problems facing the Arab and broader Islamic world.
    The opening paragraph is by Raymond Ibrahim ( The rest appears to be the translated text of an article by Dr Ahmad al-Baghdadi.

    Provided they can be objective, members of a civilization are often best placed to critique that civilization. Accordingly, the following article, which recently made the rounds on various Arabic websites, is a good example of honest criticism of the Islamic world, by one of its own. Written by the late Dr. Ahmad al-Baghdadi (died 2010)—one of Kuwait's best known liberal activists and scholars (he held a PhD in the philosophy of Islamic thought and taught political science)—the article recounts how Islamic civilization is the eighth, and greatest, wonder of the world. We quickly discover this is not a compliment, as the article highlights some singularly troubling aspects of the Islamic world, from a liberal—in this sense, "rational"—point of view. For the record, Ahmad al-Baghdadi is not the first Muslim to portray Islamic culture as a fantastic anachronism that has outstayed its welcome; the prophet of Islam himself, Muhammad, made a similar prophesy in a canonical hadith: "Verily, Islam started as something strange, and it will again revert to being strange, just as it began, and it will recede between the two mosques [Mecca and Medina, birthplace of Islam] just as the serpent slithers back into its hole" (Sahih Muslim 1:271).

    As we know, the wonders of the world are seven; but there is an eighth "Wonder -of-Wonders" not counted among the seven: this is the "Muslim nation [umma]." I specifically did not say the "Islamic [or Islamist] nation," for within this Muslim nation are wondrous matters not witnessed by any other nation since Allah Almighty created Adam. Here are some of these wonders:

    1. It is the only nation that believes it is in the right—in every way—while all others are wrong;

    2. The only nation that exonerates or lightens the punishment of an indicted criminal if he is Muslim and has learned some Quranic verses;

    3. The only nation where a cleric evades indictment for inciting murder if he describes one of his adversaries as "an apostate";

    4. The only nation that does not penalize a murderer if he kills "an apostate";

    5. The only nation that shows leniency and assuages punishments for the "honor killing" of a sister or a wife;

    6. The only nation whose holy book [Quran] starts with the word "read" [iqra'] and yet it is among the least nations that reads books, if any at all;

    7. The only nation that still uses the word "infidel" [kafir] against those who oppose its clerics or religious groups;

    8. The only nation where the ruling of a fatwa [religious edict] upstages the ruling of the law—and yet it brags about being a nation that upholds the "rule of law";

    9. The only nation that does not contribute to the modern era—not even by producing a tooth brush—and yet brags about its extinct civilization;

    10. The only nation that insults and condemns the West—yet lives as a parasite relying on the West in every way;

    11. The only nation that incarcerates intellectuals for practicing freedom of expression;

    12. The only nation that claims to be religious and guards its piety on both the official and the public level—yet there is nothing righteous about it;

    13. The only nation that grants its students a PhD in religion [?];

    14. The only nation still governed by the writings of those who died a thousand years ago;

    15. The only nation where clerics serve as sycophantic toadies to the rulers, remaining silent about their transgressions, even when they goes against Sharia;

    16. The only nation that does not acknowledge the International Human Rights Declaration;

    17. The only nation that forbids all human arts except calligraphy;

    18. The only nation that believes in one religion [Islam]—yet its various religious groups cannot agree on the exegeses and directives of that one religion;

    19. The only nation where clerics blabber endlessly, only to conclude by saying, "Allah only knows" (as if people were not already aware);

    20. The only nation that believes in exorcizing Jinn from humans—even if by killing the person;

    21. The only nation that has armies—and yet its lands are occupied and it fears combat;

    22. The only nation wherein the Almighty Creator's description applies—"thou wouldst think they were united, but their hearts are divided: that is because they are a people devoid of wisdom" [Quran 59:14];

    23. The only nation still inquiring about religious matters and looking for satisfactory answers for over a thousand years;

    24. The only nation that asks more about sex than about worship during its one month of fasting every year;

    25. The only nation that believes anything and everything its clerics say without question or verification.

    This nation—with all these unique traits—does it not deserve to be described as the "Wonder-of-Wonders"?

    Links to the original Arabic here:

    About the author of the original article:
    Last edited by Zevico; April 1, 2012, 05:15.
    "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier

  • #2
    Most of that could easily be applied to chrisitians too
    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

    Steven Weinberg


    • #3
      This is nothing less than a personal attack on all Muslims.
      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
      "Capitalism ho!"


      • #4
        Being immediately turned into a personal attack on all Christians.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • #5
          Originally posted by BlackCat View Post
          Most of that could easily be applied to chrisitians too
; the only one I see there that applies to Christians is the one about PhDs in religion (Harvard Divinity School, anyone?).


          • #6
            I'm more pissed off at the pedophile aspect of it all which has its basis in Islamic teachings. Take for instance this reason Palestinian mass "marriage" sponsored by Hamas which featured 450 men in their 20's-40's "marrying" 6-9 year old girls. Now, that pisses me off and it should offend everyone.

            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #7
              Or the fact that women can't ****ing drive?

              It baffles me that groups like Code Pink apologize for these people.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                I'm more pissed off at the pedophile aspect of it all which has its basis in Islamic teachings. Take for instance this reason Palestinian mass "marriage" sponsored by Hamas which featured 450 men in their 20's-40's "marrying" 6-9 year old girls. Now, that pisses me off and it should offend everyone.

                You really should learn to fact check.
                Photographs supposedly documenting a Hamas-organized mass wedding of adult men and pre-pubescent girls actually show young relatives of the brides and grooms.


                • #9
                  OK, I was fooled.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #10
                    When aren't you fooled?


                    • #11
                      When you claim to be an intelligent and valuable poster.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • #12
                        I've never claimed that, making you wrong, as usual.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                ; the only one I see there that applies to Christians is the one about PhDs in religion (Harvard Divinity School, anyone?).
                          In Sweden there was a sort of embarrassment towards having religious PhDs. They were viewed as naively religious.

                          I explained that in the US we also have religious PhDs, and that they are viewed more often as religiously critical.

                          Last edited by Jon Miller; April 1, 2012, 05:21.
                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • #14
                            Zevico, why do you never post such critique about jews


                            • #15
                              They are allowed to lend money and charge interest for it...
                              and they murdered Jesus ...
                              and Jesus was a jew, not to forget that Islam also has its roots in Judaism...
                              thats defnitely enough to consider Judaism as evil
                              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"

