yes, EVERYONE considers things MORALLY WRONG today. that was NOT THE ****ING POINT, the point was how utterly bizarre tribal sectionalism forced culture and religion to be in the historical period -- but furthermore, I AM NOT GOING TO BE DRAGGED TO ANOTHER IRRELEVANT HISTORICAL NIT-PICKING CONTEST with guys who are reading the conventional wisdom from wikipedia on the go because i've encountered that for like 20 times in a row now in this site. here was i expecting a some sort of theological debate on how religions evolve and there's a knee-jerk "HURR DONTCHAKNOW NOBODY THINKS THATS RITE"-response.
**** it, won't bother. i am a BIG ****ING IDIOT for WASTING MY TIME here
**** it, won't bother. i am a BIG ****ING IDIOT for WASTING MY TIME here