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Should countries enact a Tobin tax?

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  • #61
    Although individuals with AS usually understand the cognitive basis of humor, they seem to lack understanding of the intent of humor to share enjoyment with others. Despite strong evidence of impaired humor appreciation, anecdotal reports of humor in individuals with AS seem to challenge some psychological theories of AS and autism.

    I don't think I believe those anecdotal reports.


    • #62
      No, it is quite the opposite really. My point is made, only in a way that's specifically chosen so that you won't figure it out. (It's really not difficult, that.) Also, your interest and engagement in the conversation is carefully monitored and predicted so as to be nullified as completely as possible.


      • #63
        I bet that made sense to you when you wrote it. Very odd, but interesting...


        • #64
          As for the humor in it all, you are the one who misses it. I really wouldn't think it's AS in your case, just being dim-witted is all.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Tupac Shakur View Post
            I bet that made sense to you when you wrote it. Very odd, but interesting...
            My mind can comprehend many strange and wonderful things, such as words with more than 5 letters. It's Magic!


            • #66
              I bet you also thought that was humorous. Cool. This all makes sense now...


              • #67
                Of course, I've been chuckling on and off for a good half hour now. Your feeble attempts to get under my skin are quite endearing really. It's enough to drive a wedge of doubt into my mind as to if you are instead trying to make peace with me by offering yourself up as a fool?


                • #68
                  I don't see any mention of unjustified confidence or empty braggadocio as a symptom on the Wiki page. Those must be some of your personal idiosyncrasies.


                  • #69
                    No, you must just be misreading my statements then, as we all know I am the spitting image of this hypothetical AS caricature you carry around in your mind.


                    • #70
                      On standard tests like the PAI, the Personality Assessment Inventory, people with Aspergers often score high in areas that reflect overconfidence, feelengs of persecution or narcissism.



                      • #71
                        As for the thought of someone in an empty discussion about psychology on an internet forum being capable of unjustified confidence, well, that would be a confidence in an unjustified diagnosis.


                        • #72
                          I apologize if I've ever called you a ****, by the way. It's not cool to say that to someone who actually is mentally disabled. Sorry.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Tupac Shakur View Post
                            On standard tests like the PAI, the Personality Assessment Inventory, people with Aspergers often score high in areas that reflect overconfidence, feelengs of persecution or narcissism.

                            It's the beautiful thing about AS, you can find just about anything and everything to be a symptom. It's why everyone in the 90's developed it so as not to have to go to family get togethers and could instead stay home and chat up 50 yo men who were pretending to be 13 yo girls on MySpace. Why you're stuck pining away for such an era to return is besides me, but does explain somewhat why you're interested in the child brides. (Sorry to break it to you, but they probably aren't 50 yo men.)


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Tupac Shakur View Post
                              I apologize if I've ever called you a ****, by the way. It's not cool to say that to someone who actually is mentally handicapped. Sorry.
                              I'm reminded of the video of the comedian loinburger posted earlier. Why are you such a ***** anyways? Too afraid to come out and say I'm the "t" word... yet still want to convey the meaning. It's pathetic how you're all tied up into hypocritical knots by your politically correct mindset.


                              • #75
                                I'm feeling pretty guilty right now. While it makes sense that your narcissism, persecution complex, and stilted communication style would rub me the wrong way, I really should've stopped and taken the time to understand why you act the way you do. If I had figured out earlier that it isn't really your fault, I wouldn't have treated you like a run-of-the-mill poster and consequently wouldn't have been so rude.

                                My apologies. I'll try to be better in the future.

