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Welcome to the US government. How can we secretly piss you off today?

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  • I was busy talking to hot women.


    • @ the re-seeding. Holy ****, that's amazing.
      If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
      ){ :|:& };:


      • Kuci, Asher thinks that "hot women" is a contradiction in terms...

        Though I guess that's just another thing he's wrong about?
        If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
        ){ :|:& };:


        • Poor Asher


          • Do you guys even know what women are like?
            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


            • I know they're hotter than men.

              I like where this thread has gone by the way. We started with US government kvetching and have gotten to making fun of homosexuality
              If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
              ){ :|:& };:


              • Only because they get hot flashes.
                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • Whoah, what kind of women do you hang with? Octogenarians? No wonder you turned gay.
                  If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                  ){ :|:& };:


                  • All women get hot flashes eventually. That's the only time they get hot, incidentally.

                    I suppose the sauna can get them hot as well.
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • How is it that not one programmer that works on this open source project, has ever found one of these supposed backdoors?

                      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                      • Because of code obfuscation. A programmer who knows what he's doing can make seemingly innocuous code have very, very non-obvious side-effects.

                        How many programmers can figure out what this does (disassembling the compiled result doesn't count):
                                            #define w "Hk~HdA=Jk|Jk~LSyL[{M[wMcxNksNss:"
                                           #define r"Ht@H|@=HdJHtJHdYHtY:HtFHtF=JDBIl"\
                                         #define S"IT@I\\@=HdHHtGH|KILJJDIJDH:H|KID"\
                                       #define _(i,j)L[i=2*T[j,O[i=O[j-R[j,T[i=2*\
                                     #define t"IS?I\\@=HdGHtGIDJILIJDIItHJTFJDF:8J"
                            #define y                  yy(4),yy(5),                yy(6),yy(7)
                          #define yy(              i)R[i]=T[i],T[i ]            =O[i],O[i]=L [i]
                        #define Y _(0          ], 4] )_ (1 ], 5] )_ (2      ], 6] )_ (3 ], 7] )_=1
                        #define v(i)(      (( R[ i ] * _ + T [ i ]) * _ + O [ i ]) * _ + L [ i ]) *2
                        double b = 32  ,l ,k ,o ,B ,_ ; int Q , s , V , R [8 ], T[ 8] ,O [8 ], L[ 8] ;
                        #define q( Q,R ) R= *X ++ % 64 *8 ,R |= *X /8 &7 ,Q=*X++%8,Q=Q*64+*X++%64-256,
                        # define  p      "G\\QG\\P=GLPGTPGdMGdNGtOGlOG"   "dSGdRGDPGLPG\\LG\\LHtGHtH:"
                        #  define W         "Hs?H{?=HdGH|FI\\II\\GJlHJ"    "lFL\\DLTCMlAM\\@Ns}Nk|:8G"
                        # define   U           "EDGEDH=EtCElDH{~H|AJk}"       "Jk?LSzL[|M[wMcxNksNst:"
                        #  define u                  "Hs?H|@=HdFHtEI"             "\\HI\\FJLHJTD:8H"
                        char  *   x                   ,*X , ( * i )[               640],z[3]="4_",
                        *Z = "4,8O4.8O4G" r U "4M"u S"4R"u t"4S8CHdDH|E=HtAIDAIt@IlAJTCJDCIlKI\\K:8K"U
                        S"4d"W t t"4g"r w"4iGlIGlK=G|JG|J:4kHl@Ht@=HdDHtCHdPH|P:HdDHdD=It\
                        J\\GK\\OKTOKDXJtXItZI|YIlWI|V:8^4mHLGH\\G=HLVH\\V:4n" u t t
                        rHt@H|@=HtDH|BJdLJTH:ITEI\\E=ILPILNNtCNlB:8N4t"W t"4u"
                        :8K"; main (
                        int C,char**        A) {for(x=A[1],i=calloc(strlen(x)+2,163840);
                        C-1;C<3?Q=_=       0,(z[1]=*x++)?((*x++==104?z[1]^=32:--x), X =
                        strstr(Z,z))      &&(X+=C++):(printf("P2 %d 320 4 ",V=b/2+32),
                        V*=2,s=Q=0,C     =4):C<4?Q-->0?i[(int)((l+=o)+b)][(int)(k+=B)
                        ]=1:_?_-=.5/    256,o=(v(2)-(l=v(0)))/(Q=16),B=(v(3)-(k=v(1)
                        ))/Q:*X>60?y   ,q(L[4],L[5])q(L[6],L[7])*X-61||(++X,y,y,y),
                        Y:*X>57?++X,  y,Y:*X >54?++X,b+=*X++%64*4:--C:printf("%d "
                        ,i[Q][s]+i[Q ][s+1]+i[Q+1][s]+i[Q+1][s+1])&&(Q+=2)
                        It renders a stroked font

                        This one renders curves-based polynomials (with auto-scale!):
                        #define _			;double
                        #define void			x,x
                        #define case(break,default)	break[O]:default[O]:
                        #define switch(bool) 		;for(;xint##if?
                        #define true			(--void++)
                        #define false			(++void--)
                        char*O=" <60>!?\\\n"_ doubIe[010]_ int0,int1 _ Iong=0 _ inIine(int eIse){int
                        O1O=!O _ l=!O;for(;O1O<010;++O1O)l+=(O1O[doubIe]*pow(eIse,O1O));return l;}int
                        main(int booI,char*eIse[]){int I=1,x=-*O;if(eIse){for(;I<010+1;I++)I[doubIe-1]
                        =booI>I?atof(I[eIse]):!O switch(*O)x++)abs(inIine(x))>Iong&&(Iong=abs(inIine(x
                        And here's one for the math geeks:

                        Additionally, quite simply: if all of the effects of code were known, we'd not have any bugs. What looks like normal code could very well have bugs, or security problems. It's the same reason code that's 20+ years old with tens of thousands of eyes that've looked upon it can still have (unintentional) security vulnerabilities. In this case, the FBI allegedly inserted an INTENTIONAL vulnerability that only they knew about.
                        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                        • So they wouldn't notice a piece of obviously obfuscated code? That code there wouldn't seem the slightest bit suspicious?
                          If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                          ){ :|:& };:


                          • Is font a pseudonym for penis in this case?


                            • As for the seeding/re-seeding business -- when I get home I'd like to try it properly. I couldn't find a way to access the instruction counter in Java (not surprising), so I just relied on the current time in milliseconds. Unfortunately, my PC was so fast it did quite a few loop iterations within the same millisecond marker, which is why the distribution is god-awful.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                                So they wouldn't notice a piece of obviously obfuscated code? That code there wouldn't seem the slightest bit suspicious?
                                Code to that extreme would be, yes. But it's quite possible to make it far less obvious when that's not the goal (in this case it was a competition).

                                Also, see the DanS:
                                Additionally, quite simply: if all of the effects of code were known, we'd not have any bugs. What looks like normal code could very well have bugs, or security problems. It's the same reason code that's 20+ years old with tens of thousands of eyes that've looked upon it can still have (unintentional) security vulnerabilities. In this case, the FBI allegedly inserted an INTENTIONAL vulnerability that only they knew about.
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

