[Note: I actually don't know how far away from the edge of Israeli territorial waters this occurred, because AFAIK it hasn't been widely reported. "A few hours" is a vague estimate on my part.]
Oh, so the problem wasn't that it was in international waters, but that they should have at least tried to do the raid more carefully? Then you should agree with my point entirely, since I said the location of the raid was irrelevant, but that negligence/mistakes on the part of the planners probably resulted in more deaths than necessary, and that the morality of the blockade itself was questionable
As I said many times now, the fact that you think the same thing would've happened is not the point. If Israel had waited a couple hours, the raid would've been done in the light of day. Bet you it would've happened MUCH different then.
Oh, so the problem wasn't that it was in international waters, but that they should have at least tried to do the raid more carefully? Then you should agree with my point entirely, since I said the location of the raid was irrelevant, but that negligence/mistakes on the part of the planners probably resulted in more deaths than necessary, and that the morality of the blockade itself was questionable