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  • Originally posted by Solomwi View Post
    Enjoy your next couple of months. Sounds like you've already figured out the most important thing to know at this point: the bar exam tests for minimum competence. You'll look around on the first day and more or less be able to pick out those who won't pass by lunchtime. Your friends and classmates will still be way too anxious and cramming way too hard during the whole exam. Do the month of BarBri mad-libs, the practice multistate questions, and a quick review of any problem spots the night before the first session and you should be fine. At that point, worrying and cramming become counterproductive.

    I recommend having a beer or three each night, just not so much that getting to the test in the morning is a problem. Worked for me.

    I just wanted to drop in and say holy crap was I right to take your advice to heart, and to spread the good word to my strung-out colleagues. While everyone around me plugged away at two months of 12-hour days of cram-reading, lectures, videos at home, audio in the car (and shower, and gym, and while sleeping), practice multiple choice, practice essays, mock exam conditions (from the gymnasium to the white noise to the timers - you name it), flashcards, those "study group" thingies I kept hearing about in law school, and - FFS - even cramming like chickens with their heads cut off through lunchbreaks at the exam, I swear to the sweet chocolate christ alls I did was sit in a recliner, watch each video lecture once at 1.0x speed while skimming handouts, absorb each a second time at 1.5x-2.0x speed, skim the conviser mini-review once, and half-ass maybe 5% of the practice questions we got, all over the course of maybe the last 2-3 weeks of the full 2 months we had to get ready. Oh, and just for good measure, I neglected a SofTest deadline and banged out the whole damned thing in pen while hundreds around me clacked away 80WPM on their laptops, resulting in me running out of time for 1/3 of the MPT and the entirety of the last of 6 essays, and at least half of the answers in the multiple choice day were wild guesses.

    Yet somehow, I find out this week that my ID# was apparently transposed with some poor sap's and I got his passing score by accident, because there's no way in hell that travesty I turned in even approximated a passing effort, unless blatant malpractice is par for the course in Minnesota, but if it is, I'm not about to complain!

    Edit: ok, granted, I did lay off the beer idea.
    Last edited by Darius871; October 16, 2010, 14:42.


    • Congrats


      • Congrats, did you use Kaplan or BarBri?
        Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer


        • No one in their right mind wants to practice law (or even live) iIN MINNESOTA. I am not kidding when I say that the only person I know who moved to Minnesota is now dead. My best advice to you is to keep your head down and try to move quickly to a state that doesn't require two layers of underwear. Men are not meant to be Pepperidge farm cookies, it is absurd to have to take off the underpants twice to access the main event, if you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean?


          • My brother lives in Minnesota.

            Yes, he is being punished.
            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


            • Originally posted by Kuciwalker View Post
              Thanks; now that I have so much time and a stable workplace I can maybe spend more time on poly trying to figure out WTF you and KH are talking about, or maybe just snag a finance MBA since it'd be the only way to get halfway there...

              Originally posted by flash9286 View Post
              Congrats, did you use Kaplan or BarBri?
              BARBRI, but there really no choice since Kaplan's still getting off the ground after BARBRI's monopoly ended and they don't have MN-specific material covered just yet. They had some sort of pre-BARBRI primer on multistate material here but it wasn't worth the added expense when even BARBRI itself is reputed to be a waste of time. IIRC you're a 3L, so Kaplan's full course should have wider reach by the time you're done. Really I'd just go with whatever's cheaper, because the only good thing one gets out of BARBRI/Kaplan is expressly throwing out law-school law and real-world law to fixate on bar exam law, but the differences are not that stark; for instance con law, crim pro, tax, etc. are so uniform that you should already have them covered, whereas crim law in most states entails dumping everything you learned about the MPC or state statutes and focusing on old common law norms nobody uses any more, property in most states reverts to common law norms as if it's not as pervasively statutory as it's become in the real world, etc. But really this information for your state should be publicly available online, and whittling irrelevancies from your own outlines ought to be enough without shelling out $3000. I know plenty of people who never bothered with BARBRI/Kaplan courses and plenty more who are convinced it's a scam, but the fact is I was just a lazy, burnt out piece of **** who wanted someone to condense what to memorize into one discrete package for me, and they delivered that much.

              Originally posted by Wiglaf View Post
              it is absurd to have to take off the underpants twice to access the main event, if you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean?
              You're wrong; having to fumble around with all six pairs of underpants between the three of us gets everyone tumescent with anticipation in a way you southern hicks just wouldn't understand.


              • Originally posted by Darius871 View Post
                Thanks; now that I have so much time and a stable workplace I can maybe stop and figure out WTF you and KH are talking about half the time, or maybe just snag a finance MBA since it'd be the only way to get halfway there...
                An econ degree would probably serve you better.
                “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                "Capitalism ho!"


                • Thanks; now that I have so much time and a stable workplace I can maybe spend more time on poly trying to figure out WTF you and KH are talking about, or maybe just snag a finance MBA since it'd be the only way to get halfway there...

                  I really only have a basic understanding of this stuff; you should be able to pick it up with (casual reading about micro) + (basic logic).

                  edit; added parentheses for clarity
                  Last edited by Kuciwalker; October 17, 2010, 16:32.


                  • Congrats, Darius, glad the advice was useful.
                    Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                    • Just got my results back today. I passed .
                      Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer


                      • as if anyone was worried


                        • Lawyers are parasites. Get a degree in science or engineering.
                          Try for discussion and debate.


                          • Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                            Lawyers are parasites.
                            And damned good at parasitism. What of it?

                            Lamprey-lawyer solidarity FTW



                            • Ann Coulter's vagina.
                              "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                              "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                              • Holy crap was that ever predictable. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

