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Americans, control your women!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Ecofarm View Post
    Crazy talk.

    Probly best to start with a lesson in Pentagon 'terrorist' propaganda here.

    Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi

    The U.S. military is conducting a propaganda campaign to magnify the role of the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, according to internal military documents and officers familiar with the program. The effort has raised his profile in a way that some military intelligence officials believe may have overstated his importance...

    For the past two years, U.S. military leaders have been using Iraqi media and other outlets in Baghdad to publicize Zarqawi's role in the insurgency. The documents explicitly list the "U.S. Home Audience" as one of the targets of a broader propaganda campaign...

    Some senior intelligence officers believe Zarqawi's role may have been overemphasized by the propaganda campaign, which has included leaflets, radio and television broadcasts, Internet postings and at least one leak to an American journalist...

    In a transcript of the meeting, Harvey said, "Our own focus on Zarqawi has enlarged his caricature, if you will -- made him more important than he really is, in some ways."...

    sections of the briefings indicate that there were direct military efforts to use the U.S. media to affect views of the war. One slide in the same briefing, for example, noted that a "selective leak" about Zarqawi was made to Dexter Filkins, a New York Times reporter...

    U.S. psychological operations soldiers produced a video disc that not only was widely disseminated inside Iraq, but also was "seen on Fox News."

    The Zarqawi campaign is discussed in several of the internal military documents. "Villainize Zarqawi/leverage xenophobia response," one U.S. military briefing from 2004 stated. It listed three methods: "Media operations," "Special Ops (626)" (a reference to Task Force 626, an elite U.S. military unit assigned primarily to hunt in Iraq for senior officials in Hussein's government) and "PSYOP," the U.S. military term for propaganda work.

    One internal briefing, produced by the U.S. military headquarters in Iraq, said that Kimmitt had concluded that, "The Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful information campaign to date."

    Kimmitt is now the senior planner on the staff of the Central Command that directs operations in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East...

    Kimmitt said, "There was clearly an information campaign to raise the public awareness of who Zarqawi was
    , primarily for the Iraqi audience but also with the international audience."

    That's a mainstream publication. Global Research has also covered the issue with a more skeptical view:

    Who is behind "Al Qaeda in Iraq"? Pentagon acknowledges fabricating a "Zarqawi Legend"


    • #47
      Just read the not-highlighted part.

      You will make a mountain out of a molehill, if there is one word open to interpretation. You are selective about what mountains you create out of murky and insignificant events. You might not just be a lunatic, you might be aware of how your posts are completely detached from reality; I'm not sure.

      Maybe you are just pulling our leg with this routine. If you are not joking, it is sad and I will not encourage it by responding to such stuff anymore (it makes me feel bad to mess with someone who is so fkd up and I cannot take you seriously).
      Last edited by Ecofarm; March 18, 2010, 12:58.
      Everybody knows...Democracy...One of Us Cannot be Wrong...War...Fanatics


      • #48
        Halflotus - Can we speak to the other 1/2 now? Is he available?
        "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
        "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


        • #49
          Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post
          I have only been to Sweden and Israel, but US women are not so attractive (generally) compared to those two countries.

          I think it isn't inherent attractiveness, but rather the common obesity.

          I think it's superior genetics.

          Whatever it is though, I hope they're being nice to you. You're still here, right? Just wait for spring and warmer temperatures.


          • #50
            Originally posted by HalfLotus View Post
            Probly best to start with a lesson in Pentagon 'terrorist' propaganda here.

            Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi

            That's a mainstream publication. Global Research has also covered the issue with a more skeptical view:

            Who is behind "Al Qaeda in Iraq"? Pentagon acknowledges fabricating a "Zarqawi Legend"

            BTW I'd like to point out that this sort of stuff is almost never PSYOPs and instead comes out of the Information Operations (IO) groups. IO is pretty much a political operation while PSYOPs is not.

            [/guy who spent 9 years in PSYOPs]
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #51
              Wow, cool. So you must have worked for the Iranian gov't since, according to GOPfarm, that's the only country engaged in propaganda operations.


              • #52

                It's so funny when people try to discredit my arguments by inventing stuff about me.

                1. Pro gay rights.
                2. Pro legalization.
                3. Anti capital punishment.
                4. Environmentalist, pro green regulations.
                5. Anti religion.

                Yeah, the GOP just loves me. Anyway, even if I was a huge GOP supporter, your arguments in this thread are childish at best.

                I have two sources, one is actually a real newspaper published somewhere, that say the US military might have over-estimated or even exaggerated the importance of some guy in Iraq for purposes not entirely known (but primarily Iraq-domestic). Therefore, the Pentagon targets the public in Propaganda Lie Terror Campaigns regularly... and thus the Lockerbie bomber is innocent and Bush is a war criminal.

                I must admit, it was fun.
                Last edited by Ecofarm; March 18, 2010, 21:05.
                Everybody knows...Democracy...One of Us Cannot be Wrong...War...Fanatics


                • #53
                  Your foreign policy, militarism, and hyper-nationalism are more than enough GOP to eclipse the 'green' act.


                  • #54
                    I'm not a nationalist, I'm a patriot. I have no delusions about my country being "best" at everything.

                    Green was only #4.

                    How are we gonna eclipse hating fundies?
                    Everybody knows...Democracy...One of Us Cannot be Wrong...War...Fanatics


                    • #55
                      You replaced religious fundamentalism with green fundamentalism. Psychological equivalents imo.


                      • #56
                        But I'm not a fundmentalist. I believe in the free market with regulations to control external markets or externalities. I'm against command and control policies, but cap and trade seems decent. I'm against GreenPeace most of the time and I hate PETA. I think hippies suck.

                        This is fun, though. Keep inventing things about me so I can correct them (thus talking about myself).
                        Last edited by Ecofarm; March 19, 2010, 11:40.
                        Everybody knows...Democracy...One of Us Cannot be Wrong...War...Fanatics


                        • #57
                          Clearly you love talking about yourself and your green lifestyle, typical eco-narcissism.


                          • #58
                            Don't blame environmentalism for me being completely full of myself. I was like this long before I became an environmentalist.
                            Everybody knows...Democracy...One of Us Cannot be Wrong...War...Fanatics


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                              Extremist groups always seem to target the uneducated.
                              When it comes to America, that's virtually a whole country...
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #60
                                Well, I guess that the welsh are pretty happy that they can mingle in with the rest of the brits - otherwise it would look kinda bleak
                                With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                                Steven Weinberg

