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  • #91

    Originally posted by Elok View Post
    The more I think about the FG bit, the more I wonder WTF the point of it was. It's not really insulting Palin as such, nor really making fun of Down's Syndrome. It's just some gratuitous name-dropping that superficially appears like a slam but, on closer examination, has no real meaning. Its only conceivable purpose, AFAICT, was to earn a little buzz by jostling Palin's illogical sense of moral outrage. If so, it succeeded, and my congrats to McFarlane.
    So there you go. I'd say it's about 50-50 odds that Palin isn't really all that outraged either, she's just using the opportunity for yet more time in the spotlight. Noisy celebrity spats are win-win, publicity for all.

    As for FG, it can be funny, it can be stupid, but it's quite hit-and-miss. I don't watch it regularly, and the best I can really say for it is that it's far better than the Cleveland spinoff--has that been canceled yet?
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