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The explanation behind ZakuHL

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Darius871 View Post
    Originally posted by HalfLotus View Post
    You always ask that silly question, "Why would somebody lieeeee?!?!" The obvious answer is for money and power.

    I never asked that question, because it's a given that many people lie for money and power.

    I'm asking you what sort of money and power Icke et al have obtained for their sacrifices
    Originally posted by HalfLotus View Post
    Time is the key here. Most crop circles appear overnight.

    Still no answer? Is there any sliver of evidence to back up your idle conjecture, or not? (And don't tell me about how their beliefs are just a little too absurd, or that the long-defunct COINTELPRO precedent somehow makes this likely; I mean real, actual evidence.)


    • #32
      A guy named Alan Watt, who is generally considered an expert on 'conspiracy' matters, accused Tsarian, Icke, et al of being a paid shills. He says he was offered large sums of money to 'go along with' with the alien agenda as other have. video

      In any case you guys needn't worry that I'm a government disinfo shill. This forum is chock full of establishment apologists, and 'they' are quite pleased with your behavior.


      • #33
        Originally posted by HalfLotus View Post
        an expert on 'conspiracy' matters,
        "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
        "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


        • #34
          What Guy said. So we have the... "testimony" of some dude who's likely to be as bat**** as those whom he accuses of shillery? I could say the same exact things he did and post a video online.

          Where's the bank statement, the emails, the questionable associations, the mansion, the ferrari?

