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The Job Hunt_How's It Going

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  • The Job Hunt_How's It Going

    For those of you looking, how is the job hunt going? MrFun? Anyone else?

    I threw my hat into the ring a month ago as I will be finishing my MBA in December and would like to find something that could meld my engineering background with a business acumen better than designing fuel ethanol plants. That, and I make very little money compared to other engineers with my experience and the benefits are so bad that it costs me close to another $10k/year, mostly because Jace (the 1 yo) has had issues but is holding strong. I figure this conditioning is honing him into the best Linebacker ever.

    I've mostly been talking to three recruiters. One is a local guy who hired me on at my last job. He was laid off with me and he started is own recruiting company after that with some success. I have asked him to look for local things for me and has yet to produce any fruit. I'm also talking to one recruiter for pharma/biotech industry. Unfortunately for her, I already submitted to a dozen or so companies directly so her pool is pretty shallow and there's a bunch of laid of pharma guys looking for work right now so that industry is pretty tight. I am also working with a recruiter who I have used in the past for the food and chemical industry and he is very responsive and has lined up for me a phone interview within 1 day of him looking. It's around Champaign-Urbana, IL, anyone know anything about the area?

    On top of that I got a call today from a local consulting firm (manufacturing and business management) who I sent an unsolicited resume to, and we will be having lunch next week. Not sure what that means.

    So, that's nice news after getting ripped off.

  • #2
    My SO is still in the hunt.
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #3
      My contract is up in a few months, so I'm going to be putting out my resume soon.
      <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


      • #4
        Had the phone interview for the Champaign-Urbana job and they want me to go in for a site interview. So, if you have any info on the area let me know. It would be a nice step in the right direction as I would be a manager of up to 50 people over 3 shifts, which is what I was looking for.


        • #5
          I went to school down there for a few years. My daughter is currently in her Senior year there. It's a nice midwest area and the University keeps it from being too red neck.

          As long as you don't look too close to the campus housing isn't that expensive.
          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #6
            I've had an interview with Microsoft and have scheduled interviews with NVIDIA and Google.


            • #7
              Nvidia's software
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • #8
                Nice to see you're in demand Japher

                I'm also in the process of looking for a new job. This recession hit
                us (Croatia) rather hard, so it's not easy. It used to be a matter
                of a couple of days to find a new job in the IT sector, but nowadays...
                I'm even contemplating trying to apply somewhere else in Europe.


                • #9
                  I went to school down there for a few years. My daughter is currently in her Senior year there. It's a nice midwest area and the University keeps it from being too red neck.

                  As long as you don't look too close to the campus housing isn't that expensive.
                  The job is actually in Danville, so we'd like on the east side of Urbana if possible. No way will I live in Danville, from the looks of it.

                  I've had an interview with Microsoft and have scheduled interviews with NVIDIA and Google.
                  That's awesome!

                  Had a call today from a recruiter looking for a position that looks like it was written for me (my background + management) in I think Bloomington, IN. He didn't say, but I'm pretty good with Google. Also, got an e-mail from General Mills wondering what I was up to, and if I was looking, and if so what for. So I replied to that....

                  I'm also in the process of looking for a new job. This recession hit
                  us (Croatia) rather hard, so it's not easy. It used to be a matter
                  of a couple of days to find a new job in the IT sector, but nowadays...
                  I'm even contemplating trying to apply somewhere else in Europe.
                  I think that is what you have to be willing to do these days; move. It can be exciting.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Japher View Post
                    The job is actually in Danville, so we'd like on the east side of Urbana if possible. No way will I live in Danville, from the looks of it.
                    And here I was thinking that you didn't know anything about the area.

                    Yeah, East Urbana is pretty normal. Quite suburban like.
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      I didn't when I posted the question... Like I said, I'm pretty good at Google.


                      • #12
                        My job hunt out here in DC area has fizzled out. I'm going to have to relocate to Springfield, Illinois for my current employer.
                        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                        • #13
                          Isn't there a nuclear plant in Springfield you could work in?
                          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                          • #14
                            They do need a new organ bank in sector 7G.
                            Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                            • #15
                              Not good at all. I've only found temp work at best. I'm getting sick and tired of filling out applications, sending resumes into black holes, and other various bureaucratic bull****.

                              I go to job fairs, see thousands of other clones in similar looking suites and ties all clutching their various qualifications and resumes. I don't even know why I bothered with university. I probably learned more from the textbooks than I did in the classroom.

                              Increasingly have the urge to run into the mountains, kill small animals, and sell their furs on the black-market to European fashion designers.

