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10 (or more) Things I hate About You

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  • Yeah, village drunkard is a position accorded great respect here on Poly.

    You're regarded more like... the village pederast.

    What? Too much?
    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


    • No. Not enough.
      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


      • Well the cult of personality did exist (and in some circles still does) until it was clear to progressives that Obama was a weak-kneed wuss in backing what he said he was going to and it was clear to moderates that he wasn't as middle of the road as they expected him to be.

        KH FOR OWNER!
        ASHER FOR CEO!!


        • Did he just claim the only reason people keep refuting the birthers is that they can't argue the real issues? zakudl indeed! That's strong.
          Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


          • Trust but verify.

            -- Ronald Reagan

            It's good practice to take a person at his word until someone shows you proof he is lying.

            Barack Obama says he was born in Hawaii, and since no one has shown any proof he was born in Kenya or elsewhere, it's OK to conclude he was born in Hawaii.

            Sure his grammar school records show that he was enrolled as an Indonesian Muslim, but some people will say anything to get their kid in the right school. It doesn't really answer the question.

            It's OK though for others not to use my deferential standard and continue to question whether Obama was born in Hawaii. We aren't talking about a 12-year-old qualifying to play Little League here. There is a Constitutional mandate that the President be a natural-born citizen, and if Obama is not one, he certainly will have committed the biggest fraud since the White Sox threw the World Series.

            The reason why people still question Obama's citizen status is one-fold: "President Transparency" has refused to release any original documents on the matter. He can end the controversy in a day by releasing original documents, but for some inexplicable reason he refuses, and his love-struck media never asks him why he won't. The media instead spends hell-bent hours on making the Birther movement look like fringy, conspiracy-hungry kooks.

            You have to admit though, even if you are a devout Obama-bot, Obama's refusal to release any original documents makes for a newsworthy story by itself.

            If he really wants the Birthers to shut up, he has the power to do it by releasing the original documents. Why not just do it then? It's a simple task. Why not get rid of a conversation that has been with America since the campaign?

            The issue is the subject of several lawsuits, which only seek a peek at original documents. Can anyone explain why it is smarter for Obama to spend tens of thousands of dollars and man-hours defending the suits when he can win the lawsuit for free by showing the original documents?

            By defending the lawsuits and not showing the documents, Obama feeds the suspicion of those who already think he is lying. That's why this issue has the power to linger, and that's Obama's fault alone.

            Let's look at what Obama has released, and you will see they are hearsay documents and not best evidence.

            The Birth Certificate: The certificate put on the Internet by Obama and held up by the media was created in 2007. In the lower left corner of the form there is reference to a Hawaiian statute that was revised in November of 2001, and if you look closely at the front you can see bleeding through from the back the date stamp from 2007 when the document was created. It's a certification that an original does exit.

            So the the Birthers say: "Fine. Then show us the original." Obama says, "No." Why?

            The Newspaper Announcements: Two birth announcements from Hawaiian local papers show Obama's birth. The Birthers have a couple of good arguments about them. First, Hawaii is where Obama's grandparents lived and it's not unusual for grandparents to announce a birth to their friends, even if the grandson lives elsewhere. Also, if Obama's parents lived in Hawaii then moved to Kenya when they birthed him, it wouldn't be unusual to announce the birth in the old neighborhood for friends to see.

            The newspaper announcements cut against the Birthers, but they are hearsay documents and don't answer the citizen question any more than his grammar school records prove he is a Muslim. The original Birth Certificate will end it all.

            School Records: The Birthers believe that Obama's records from college and graduate school will show he matriculated as a foreign born student. This is easy, shut them up by releasing them! Obama's response? "No." Why?

            This one reminds me of John Kerry not releasing his Yale records until after the election. During the campaign Kerry soaked in the warm media bath that swore he was the intellectual and George Bush the dolt. When the records came out later it was quietly reported that George Bush had a higher grade point average at Yale.

            Media's penchant to cover for Democrat candidates fuels the Birther fire as well. See as an example John Edwards' love affair.

            Financial Aid Records: Barack Obama relishes his own personal Sonia Sotomayor-like story of how he came from a broken home and pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. But he refuses to show how his very expensive tuition at Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School were paid for.

            The Birthers believe the records will show Obama received financial aid as a foreign born student. Obama says they won't. Not to sound like a broken record, but releasing the records will end the controversy, and Obama refuses. Why?

            The Birther movement is Obama's fault for not releasing the records. I hope the Birthers continue to bite his ankles until he releases the records. He deserves nothing less.

            Read more Tommy De Seno at
            Yea, why not? Don't you all wonder that at all? Why not?
            "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson
            "I can merely plead that I'm in the presence of a superior being."- KrazyHorse


            • Whatever. There's slim to none on chances they'd call for a do-over. Just grease up, bend over, and try to make yourself think you enjoy it.
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
              "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
              He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


              • It isn't a matter of all that. If he is a fraud then the entire presidency is a fraud, meaning his entire campaign team, Biden, Michelle, everyone. That means everything would be under suspect of crime. Our entire system would be in jeopardy, and it would fall on the Supreme Court to decide the fate of everything.

                Transparency, where is it?
                "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson
                "I can merely plead that I'm in the presence of a superior being."- KrazyHorse


                • I didn't say it wasn't fraud, and I didn't say turmoil wasn't ahead.
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                  "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                  He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                  • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui View Post
                    That was quoted and linked to on page 2.

                    LIES! This includes the picture of the actual certificate itself.

                    Unless you have a different posts per page view... (possible)
                    I don't use the standard number of posts per page so I probably do have a different posts per page view. The pictures were posted in post #131.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • That doesn't matter. It's the number of the post, not the number per page of your viewing.
                      For self-proclaimed smart people, y'all are as dumb as dirt.
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                      "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                      He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                      • I'll drink to that.
                        "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson
                        "I can merely plead that I'm in the presence of a superior being."- KrazyHorse


                        • Originally posted by SlowwHand View Post
                          That doesn't matter. It's the number of the post, not the number per page of your viewing.
                          For self-proclaimed smart people, y'all are as dumb as dirt.
                          Er... I did, numbnuts.

                          Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                          I don't use the standard number of posts per page so I probably do have a different posts per page view. The pictures were posted in post #131.
                          Try for discussion and debate.


                          • Originally posted by zakubandit View Post
                            ...He did a world tour to make apologies to everyone.

                            And let me assure you, after the Bush debacle it was appreciated, even if we expected nothing less.


                            • It was appreciated that he made America out to be a weak bunch of pussys? I wasn't very appreciative of it, nor was my circle of family and friends, even my dem family members who voted for him were pissed about the apologies. Like my grandfather said, "I didn't vote this n*gger into office to be a *****. Grow a sack you coward."

                              My grandfather was in a couple wars, he isn't all there and doesn't care what words are considered racist. Firm believer that if words hurt you then your a *****. Very shrewd man, but he is right. What a *****, grow a pair Bar-raq U Baw-mah
                              "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson
                              "I can merely plead that I'm in the presence of a superior being."- KrazyHorse


                              • He's intelligent enough to know that it's easier to get stuff done with other countries helping out than it is on your own. Blindingly obvious really.

                                Being able to change your mind or apologise when you get something wrong takes more guts than stubbornly following your original course. Most of the rest of the world has much more respect for the US now than it did, and I consider it to be more powerful 'cause it can now act better with the support of other countries.
                                Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
                                Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
                                We've got both kinds

