Ok since you're unable to pick up on it, the obvious reason behind countries less hard-hit by the crisis recovering faster is because they were not hit as hard. It says nothing about why they were not as hard hit. That statement may as well be a tautology. If you floor somebody it will take him longer to recover than if you tap him on the nose unless he's the incredible ****ing hulk.
Furthermore, your anger towards the concept of a corporation is ignorant and stupid. Corporations are a fundamental aspect of capitalism. They are at heart teams of people, and they're no more inherently wicked than your everyday rotten bastard/human being (same thing). I'm going to hazard a guess that you fall under at LEAST 3 of these 4 things:
a. Work for a corporation
b. Own stock in a corporation (401(k)'s especially)
c. Buy things from a corporation
d. Work at a place that sells things to a corporation
As for financial houses, such as banks, they facilitate sharing. They do what communism was never able to do: Take money from the rich and make it available to the poor. As long as it's eventually given back plus a little extra. You can borrow my ax as long as you return it sharper than you received it. Same thing. Seems reasonable to me but oh-no-it's-so-unfair-they-make-me-actually-pay-interest-bawwww seems to have been a major democratic platform plank for the last year.
And as for them screwing investors, what the **** do they have to gain by screwing investors? You think Wall Street has been conspiring against the public to make everyone poor and Washington DC, city of heroes, managed to uncover their devious plot? Why do so many people believe this retarded conspiracy theory? It's almost as absurd as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Furthermore, your anger towards the concept of a corporation is ignorant and stupid. Corporations are a fundamental aspect of capitalism. They are at heart teams of people, and they're no more inherently wicked than your everyday rotten bastard/human being (same thing). I'm going to hazard a guess that you fall under at LEAST 3 of these 4 things:
a. Work for a corporation
b. Own stock in a corporation (401(k)'s especially)
c. Buy things from a corporation
d. Work at a place that sells things to a corporation
As for financial houses, such as banks, they facilitate sharing. They do what communism was never able to do: Take money from the rich and make it available to the poor. As long as it's eventually given back plus a little extra. You can borrow my ax as long as you return it sharper than you received it. Same thing. Seems reasonable to me but oh-no-it's-so-unfair-they-make-me-actually-pay-interest-bawwww seems to have been a major democratic platform plank for the last year.
And as for them screwing investors, what the **** do they have to gain by screwing investors? You think Wall Street has been conspiring against the public to make everyone poor and Washington DC, city of heroes, managed to uncover their devious plot? Why do so many people believe this retarded conspiracy theory? It's almost as absurd as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.