Originally posted by DinoDoc
Vel has been stupid enough to suggest the deregulation = McCain when history suggests otherwise and that the man isn't opposed to regulation he feels is needed to protect taxpayers.
Vel has been stupid enough to suggest the deregulation = McCain when history suggests otherwise and that the man isn't opposed to regulation he feels is needed to protect taxpayers.
"I don’t think anyone who wants to increase the burden of government regulation and higher taxes has any real understanding of economics and the economy and what is needed in order to ensure the future of this country.”
"This legislation takes a small but important step toward eliminating the tremendous regulatory burden imposed on financial institutions… One principal reason banks are unable to make loans is the bewildering array of statutory and regulatory restrictions and paperwork requirements imposed by Congress and the regulatory agencies. While a case can certainly be made that every law and regulation is intended to serve a laudable purpose, the aggregate effect of the rapidly increasing regulatory burden imposed on banks is to cause them to devote substantial time, energy and money to compliance rather than meeting the credit needs of the community"
“I'm always for less regulation.”
"I am fundamentally a deregulator"
- McCain