I assume the black guys are pirates and the white are crew. But you never know, ship crews are regularly made up of mixed nationalities. You would need at least a dozen hidden snipers firing simoultanously and accurately, or else you are are screwed. Hostages dead, hostage ship sunk, or whatever little nasty surprise they have prepared.
And I don't think it's that easy to snipe accurately from a ship, not even a huge one. The slightest wave and you miss. I think it's hard enough to keep a pair of binoculars steady in calm weather on my own (small) boat, I wouldn't even think of shooting something at 500 meters.
And I don't think it's that easy to snipe accurately from a ship, not even a huge one. The slightest wave and you miss. I think it's hard enough to keep a pair of binoculars steady in calm weather on my own (small) boat, I wouldn't even think of shooting something at 500 meters.