Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
I also remove earwax a fair bit. From what I can tell, in most cases it is not necessary to remove it from the actual canal. It serves a purpose in cleaning dust and other contaminants out of your ear, and preventing infections.
Given time and the natural progression, it just makes its way out of your canal and ends up in the whorls of your earlobes. Then it's safe to clear away.
But yeah I do dislike the idea of wax in my ears and I will clean them out with a Q Tip (even though you're not supposed to). There's a sense of pride whenever I yank a hunk o' wax out and throw it away.
I have dry earwax, as part of the Asian side of my genes.
I also remove earwax a fair bit. From what I can tell, in most cases it is not necessary to remove it from the actual canal. It serves a purpose in cleaning dust and other contaminants out of your ear, and preventing infections.
Given time and the natural progression, it just makes its way out of your canal and ends up in the whorls of your earlobes. Then it's safe to clear away.
But yeah I do dislike the idea of wax in my ears and I will clean them out with a Q Tip (even though you're not supposed to). There's a sense of pride whenever I yank a hunk o' wax out and throw it away.
I have dry earwax, as part of the Asian side of my genes.