Originally posted by GePap
Not all women get abortions, not all women get pregant. ANYONE can be found guilty of a capital crime and thus ANYONE can be executed. ONLY women can get abortions, ONLY women can get pregant. Is the difference between having the ability to something and not that difficult to grasp?
Not all women get abortions, not all women get pregant. ANYONE can be found guilty of a capital crime and thus ANYONE can be executed. ONLY women can get abortions, ONLY women can get pregant. Is the difference between having the ability to something and not that difficult to grasp?
To simply cordon it off by saying it can only happen with considering likelihood of happening in deciding who gets a say is absolutely ridiculous. Frankly, the likelihood of a Senator or Representative being put on Death Row is probably less than the likelihood of a woman needing an abortion and FAR less than the likelihood of a woman getting pregnant.
No, my view is rejecting non-existant "equality" on the issue of pregnancy and accepting that only one sex can get pregnant. Only one sex gets the benfits and must burden the huge risks of being pregnant. That sex should have the main say about an activity only they can engage in. Both sexes can be parents (and thus have to pay child support), but until men start getting pregnant and thus have to deal with the consquences, I reject false claims of equality on the issue. When a man can die from childbirth or from complications relating to a pregnancy, then you can claim equality on this.
What about women who are sterile? Does their say become diminished because they do not get the benefits or burdens of being pregnant? How about women who hit menopause? Being on the front lines for decades, but now can't get pregnant, so their say gets taken away?
You know only one sex can be subject to post partum depression, does that mean they should have the main say on women who kill their children while suffering from post partum depression?