Originally posted by DarkCloud
On a related subject- Apolyton will be 14 years old when the world ends in 2012.
From time to time I reflecton how odd it is for all of us still around to have been here for what- 8 years+ now in my case, 10 for you Lancer, and for others... Arguably some of us "know" each others' internet personas better than "know" good friends. For the younger members, they might have spent more hours with internet friends on THIS site than with their significant others' !
On a related subject- Apolyton will be 14 years old when the world ends in 2012.
From time to time I reflecton how odd it is for all of us still around to have been here for what- 8 years+ now in my case, 10 for you Lancer, and for others... Arguably some of us "know" each others' internet personas better than "know" good friends. For the younger members, they might have spent more hours with internet friends on THIS site than with their significant others' !
Regardingthe end of the world thread, you know I'm up for it DC.