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White teens beat illegal Mexican immigrant to death.

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  • White teens beat illegal Mexican immigrant to death.

    I know that random violence happens all the time and we shouldn't try to read to much into it but this but when you hear about white teens beating a Mexican man to death while shouting racial slurs and saying Mexicans need to leave America then I have to wonder what effect right wing media has had. I mean the strident nationalism, general xenophobia, and the demonizing of hispanics has become daily fair for many of America's right wing talk radio programs. Announcers routinely blame hispanics for everything from America's failing health care system to the national budget deficit to taking away jobs from citizens. Especially here on the border but these shows are popular around the country especially in areas which have seen a lot of recent immigration.

    I'm not saying right wing radio lynched this man and resulted in him dying but I do wonder what effect if any such hate speech has in inciting people to racial violence.

    Town struggles with fallout from immigrant's fatal beating

    By Emanuella Grinberg
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    SHENANDOAH, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- By the time help arrived, Luis Ramirez lay convulsing in the middle of the street, foam running from his mouth.

    Blows had struck the 25-year-old illegal Mexican immigrant with such force that they left a clotted, bruised impression of Jesus Christ on the skin of his chest from the religious medal he wore.

    His attackers were white teenagers, including star students and football players, witnesses told police.

    After a night of drinking, the teens taunted the undocumented worker with racial epithets, pummeled him to the ground and then kicked him in the head, court documents charge. He died in a hospital two days later.

    It took almost two weeks for arrests to be made. But on July 25, Colin J. Walsh, 17, and Brandon J. Piekarsky, 16, were charged as adults with homicide and ethnic intimidation.

    Derrick M. Donchak, 18, was charged as an adult with aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation and an unnamed juvenile was also charged with assault. The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday that its civil rights division has opened a criminal investigation.

    Defense attorneys for two of the teens say Ramirez responded to the name-calling with his own insults, which escalated the confrontation into a fight that got out of hand.

    The words allegedly hurled at Ramirez, and the perceived sentiments behind them, led prosecutors to label his death a hate crime.

    Without the ethnic intimidation charges, many in Shenandoah believe that the case would not be drawing attention to this depressed northeastern Pennsylvania coal town of 5,000. Residents question whether the attack was racially motivated or just an alcohol-fueled confrontation among kids. Photo See a gallery of the key players »

    Ramirez had spent July 12 with friends Arielle and Victor Garcia in their home. About 11 p.m., he asked them to drive him and a 15-year-old girl home, a probable cause affidavit says.

    They got as far as a dusty park on Vine Street when Ramirez asked the couple to drop them off so they could walk. What happened next depends on the narrator, but everyone seems to agree that the first comments were directed toward the girl and Ramirez.

    "Isn't it a little late for you guys to be out?" the boys said, according to court documents. "Get your Mexican boyfriend out of here."

    Racial slurs followed, and Ramirez responded. Punches were thrown, and Ramirez fell to the ground. Then Ramirez used his cell phone to call Arielle and Victor Garcia for help.

    The fight seemed to be over by the time the Garcias responded. But in an instant, the taunts resumed.

    It is unclear who threw the first insult. Ramirez was knocked to the ground again and kicked in the head. He went into convulsions, said Arielle Garcia, who witnessed the second part of the fight. Garcia, 17, told police she knew some of the assailants from school. Video Watch Arielle Garcia's eyewitness account »

    By this time, Eileen Burke, a retired Philadelphia police officer, had stepped out of her home after hearing Arielle Garcia's pleas to stop the beating.

    Burke recalled hearing one final, ominous threat as the teens ran. "They yelled, 'You effin *****, tell your effin Mexican friends get the eff out of Shenandoah or you're gonna be laying effin next to him,' " she said.

    Ramirez was taken off life support two days after the fight. His body was flown back to his mother in Guanajuato, Mexico, with donations from parishioners from Annunciation Church in Shenandoah.

    "There's outrage among Anglos and Latinos over what happened, and I think that's representative of the attitude here," said the Rev. George Winne, who is in charge of Hispanic ministries at Annunciation.

    Others in town pull over their cars at the sight of a stranger and recite a litany of attacks allegedly perpetrated by Latinos against Anglos. They refuse to give their names but acknowledge that Ramirez did not deserve to die. They say violence has been brewing between the races for some time.

    Attorneys for two of the teens deny that Ramirez was targeted because of his race.

    "Let's call it what it was it was: a street fight, a chance encounter with a tragic outcome," said Frederick Fanelli, who represents Piekarsky.

    Fanelli said he plans to investigate whether Ramirez has a criminal background. He also questions why the engaged father of three was walking on the street with the girl, and the nature of their relationship. Ramirez's fiancee says he was walking her younger sister home.

    A lawyer for Walsh said he is equally skeptical about the ethnic intimidation charge. "They called each other names. The victim was calling them obscenities, vulgar names, and they said things back to him that would hurt him," Roger Laguna said. "It just means it was a foul-mouthed argument, not ethnic intimidation."

    Ramirez died just as things were falling into place for him and Crystal Dillman, 24, the woman he planned to marry.

    They met in Shenandoah in 2005 through the Garcias and had two children, Kiara and Eduardo, and Ramirez assumed the role of father to Dillman's daughter from a previous relationship, Angelina.

    By May, Ramirez had settled in Shenandoah, working two jobs after spending six months picking berries in Georgia.

    "He worked hard so his kids would have more than he had growing up," Dillman said. "He talked a lot about how we take so much for granted here."

    His diamond-encrusted religious medal, which cost him $300, now hangs over the fireplace in the three-story home on Main Street where Dillman and the children live.

    "I just don't understand how you can beat someone so badly when you don't even know them," Dillman said. "People here are just ignorant. They think life begins and ends in Shenandoah." Video Watch Dillman talk about her fears for the future »

    A court affidavit identifies Walsh and Piekarsky as the teens who delivered the fatal blows: Walsh punched Ramirez in the face and knocked him to the ground. Piekarsky then is said to have kicked Ramirez in the head.

    Michael Walsh is struggling to comprehend how his boy -- a straight-A student who juggled track, football and school -- could stand accused of killing another person when he should be starting his senior year in high school.

    "It's very stressing because you just don't expect it. If you had a child that's constantly in trouble, you'd say, hey, well, this is coming any day," he said.

    "Colin was a great kid and fell into a bad situation. He never really gave me any trouble," he added. "I feel sorry for the families and anyone who cares about Mr. Ramirez." Video Watch Walsh describe his family's 'nightmare' »

    "You would be proud to have any of these kids in your classroom, and any of them as your children," said Fanelli, Piekarsky's lawyer. "To this point in their lives, they have done everything right."

    Besides his academic achievement, Piekarsky worked part-time at Sears and made the varsity football team as a sophomore. He is a National Honors student.

    His mother postponed her wedding to a Shenandoah police officer because of the incident.

    Walsh and Piekarsky are being held in solitary confinement in an adult jail in nearby Pottsville. They are awaiting a preliminary hearing.

    Donchak was the team's quarterback last year and graduated in May. He planned to attend Bloomsburg University in the fall. He is out on bail.

    The racial spotlight falls on the region nearly a year after a federal court struck down proposed anti-immigration laws in nearby Hazleton. City officials had passed a law to fine landlords and employers who dealt with illegal immigrants. The city is appealing.

    Although Schuylkill County is 96 percent white, Shenandoah has taken pride in its ethnic diversity. European immigrants came to work anthracite mines in the late 19th century. Pizza joints, German bakeries and Polish grocers on Main Street serve as reminders of that time.

    The town hit hard times after World War II and saw its population tumble from 20,000 to about 5,000, leaving about one in three homes vacant.

    Latinos began to arrive about 20 years ago, heading to the fields and distribution centers that have become the new economic base.

    Jose Calderon, a Puerto Rican who has lived in Shenandoah for two years, says he's not fearful. "These are the problems of the youth," he said.

    On Main Street, where people gather on benches in front of the remaining storefronts, some members of the Anglo community are also outraged.

    "The young guys around here are racist because they think they're so much better than everyone else," said Jessica Lane, 18, as her 2-year-old son, Damien, squirmed in her lap.

    Shenandoah officials now acknowledge a racial element of Ramirez's death.

    Regardless of perception of tension, many Latinos and Anglos have formed interracial relationships, like those of Dillman and Ramirez, and their friends the Garcias, who have a son.

    Mixed couples and their children sat among other Latino couples at Annunciation Church's Sunday Spanish-language Mass. As the service began, a white woman approached Dillman and hugged her.

    So basically some white teens saw a hispanic with a white woman and decided to beat him to death for it.
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2
    So basically Oerdin saw some drunk kids beating the crap out of a Mexican and decided Rush Limbaugh told them to?
    1011 1100
    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


    • #3
      wtf!?! Elok!?!?
      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


      • #4
        What? This is a disturbing crime, no doubt, but there's no evidence that talk radio made these kids do anything, any more than Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's crappy music tastes made them kill all their classmates. It's just Oerdin's pet obsession surfacing at random.
        1011 1100
        Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


        • #5
          There were obviously racial overtones to the attack. I do think that the current anti-immigrant hysteria does nothing to calm anti-hispanic prejudice.
          If you don't like reality, change it! me
          "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


          • #6
            What evidence is there that these particular kids are ever even exposed to right-wing talk radio at any time? They're probably too busy watching MTV, playing World of Warcraft, or whatever the hell else to even know what's going on in politics. Seriously, I didn't know a single person who listened to any talk radio at that age, did you? Nobody does until early-late adulthood and you know it.

            The Occam's Razor explanation here is that the kids just emulated racism they've observed in family & friends for years, just like the vast majority of racists. Sorry to burst your bubble.
            Last edited by Darius871; August 2, 2008, 10:17.


            • #7
              I have to wonder what effect right wing media has had. I mean the strident nationalism, general xenophobia, and the demonizing of hispanics has become daily fair for many of America's right wing talk radio programs.
              If anything it just amplified authoritarian tendencies they already had. These people are America's brownshirts, but the liberals won't get serious about kicking their asses.
              Only feebs vote.


              • #8
                Re: White teens beat illegal Mexican immigrant to death.

                Quoted so mental midgets don't continue to misunderstand.

                Originally posted by Oerdin
                I'm not saying right wing radio lynched this man and resulted in him dying but I do wonder what effect if any such hate speech has in inciting people to racial violence.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #9
                  But why even bring it up at all? Regardless of whatever little caveats you slipped in, it's so utterly irrelevant to the story that "pet obsession surfacing at random" put it better than I ever could. Get over it man.


                  • #10
                    If we didn't have so many damn illegal immigrants, this probably wouldn't have happened.
                    Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                    "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                    • #11
                      I bring it up because I wonder what effect race baiting has on race crimes. It's a pretty logical connection. I even said I didn't know if it had any but it's a good area to start studying.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • #12
                        Even if the kids didn't listen, their parents or peers might have, which would influence their behavior. OTOH, Elok's correct in that there is nothing in this article that links Limbaugh and his ilk to this particular crime. It's not like we didn't have racial violence before right wing radio.
                        I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                        I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Oerdin
                          I bring it up because I wonder what effect race baiting has on race crimes. It's a pretty logical connection. I even said I didn't know if it had any but it's a good area to start studying.

                          I wonder if you were bitten by a vampire bat that was rendered radioactive by living in front of a glowing monitor that was always displaying Not that there's any evidence of such a thing, but it's a pretty logical connection.
                          1011 1100
                          Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Elok
                            I wonder if you were bitten by a vampire bat that was rendered radioactive by living in front of a glowing monitor that was always displaying Not that there's any evidence of such a thing, but it's a pretty logical connection.


                            • #15
                              Re: White teens beat illegal Mexican immigrant to death.

                              Originally posted by Oerdin
                              I have to wonder what effect right wing media has had. I mean the strident nationalism, general xenophobia, and the demonizing of hispanics has become daily fair for many of America's right wing talk radio programs.
                              So, what is the solution then, the fairness doctrine? outright shutting down talk radio? Shouldn't you be more concerned with fixing the underlying issue that these evil radio talkers are seizing on to, such as our appalling lack of adequate education? Won't shutting down talk radio A)strengthen the message while you continue to diddle over the real issue and B)just move talk radio off shore?

