"They're just kobolds."
In one campaign I played in The DM told us that he had run the scenario perhaps 15 times over 20 years. And OUR group was only the second to fail to eradicate the kobolds... and the first to fail as utterly spectacularly...
We were supposed to deal with an infestation of kobolds in a mountain. Well, we draw them out by accident... stealth failed utterly. We see there are about 300 of them. Instead of fighting, we decide to go evacuate all the outlying farmland since the Kobolds are marching toward us.
My character (who was a CN Thug... The actual class was a Rogue/Fighter (NOT optimal at all- chosen more for storyline purposes)... and who was borderline insane) and another (a NE Barbarian) absolutely hated each other (for various reasons...), challenged each other into a competition to evacuate the most people the fastest. So basically we ended up panicking half the countryside with "hasted" steeds running everywhere and both of us tearing up farmers houses if they didn't evacuate.
One guy gave me lip, so I knocked him out (for his own good) and dumped him on my horse, then dropped him off at the next farmer's house and ordered his family to evacuate- they did instantly.
Then we rode into the city and instead of going to the authorities, we ride in on dying steeds, looking like trash (we ended up falling into mud and having other awful things befall us) and scream that the kobold army is coming and for people to flee and evacuate. We inflate the size of the army because we are uncertain if it grew or not ... claim that perhaps 1600 kobolds are coming for the city of 6,000... logically, this should have caused us to realize something about proportionality... need I mention our Wisdom scores were both about 8 and our Intelligence was likewise dismal?
We are thrown in prison for disturbing the peace. Our friends (a CG gnomish illusionist, a human fighter, and a NG dwarf cleric) arrive in the city wiht their warning...delivered far more calmly- they join us in prison. A task force of perhaps 40 soldiers go and wipe out the kobolds.
We are banished from the kingdom.
Ex post: The DM explained that the Kobolds were Challenge Rating 1/4 to 1/2 and we could have taken 100 of them down fairly easily since we were level 3.
So, once again, I repeat: