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The price of freedom is eternal vigilance

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  • Originally posted by Starchild
    My pet theory is that its part of this intense American desire to be liked. I've never encountered it to such an extent in any other country I've lived or visited. Americans do genuinely want other people and nations to like them and there's a tendency to take an almost personal offense if someone doesn't like America. Its strange.
    Not so strange, Starchild. Every American hears the steady drumbeat of a singular message. Unlike ANY other statement of belief, this one is proudly expressed and accepted as fact in TV commercials, Little League games, newspaper editorials, and foreign policy statements.

    "U.S.A is number one!"

    And it produces, as it is designed to, a population willing to believe it with all their simplistic little hearts:

    Originally posted by Hauptman
    Teach every child that they ARE the best because they live IN the .
    By what measure do Americans continue to claim this ultimate superiority?

    Life span and access to medical care? Quality of Life index? Literacy rates and IQ averages? Low crime and incarceration rates ()?

    The Economist has even created a "Democracy Index", purporting to rank countries for a free and fair election process, civil liberties, functioning of government, political participation and political culture.

    The United States of America? Way down in 17th place..

    America does have the highest GDP, with an economy that is highly specialized for (and thus hopelessly addicted to) cheap oil.

    America does have the most guns and bombs.

    And America does have the world's biggest debt, and that by a long shot.

    I have lived next to the U.S. for all of my life, and it was a country that I loved to visit. A country that I was proud to have as a friend. One that could legitimately claim the title of "best place on earth".

    Oh well, Machiavelli did say that being feared is better than being loved if you mean to rule.


    On topic, I have to give a little bit to Snoopy's argument (just not the way he argues it).

    Mom seems to be supporting little Brandt in his political stand, but I wonder how this battle started. If he intended to sit during the Pledge, he should have informed the teacher of his plan. After all, it is only respectful.

    Sadly, I am more inclined to believe that this noble purpose was developed somewhat later on. But at least he sparked an entire thread of discussion on American fascism.
    Long live the Dead Threads!!


    • Originally posted by snoopy369
      Agathon: You're free to think and say that, largely as a result of our country's existence
      Your country's existence has absolutely nothing to do with that freedom.

      I'd like to see naked women on network television, but apparently that is not allowed in your country.
      Only feebs vote.


      • Originally posted by snoopy369

        Again - I think schools should teach values (not just facts).
        Who's values will they teach? Mine? which are quite different from 'typical' american values.

        Values like 'thinking about what you believe in', for example... as well as liberty, freedom, equality, justice, etc.
        Those are not values. What you appear to be describing is called critical thinking, and I'd agree it's not taught in most schools. I'd suggest that the authoritarian principles in place in most schools is anathema to critical thinking.

        If we don't teach that in school, we're not going to raise good children. (Parents should also teach these things, but it's as important to teach it in school - both because not all parents will, and because it is important to define what society expects.)
        Schools will inadvertantly teach values but it is as wrong for schools to deliberately teach values as it is for them to teach religious beliefs.

        The idea of not teaching any values is an idiotic 'liberal' idea that not even most liberals would support.
        I'm a long way from being a liberal.
        Last edited by SpencerH; May 21, 2008, 18:12.
        We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
        If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
        Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


        • Originally posted by Elok

          So's a woman's crotch--five days a month--but that's still where we came from, like it or not. Commie.
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


          • Originally posted by snoopy369
            Kid: Because I believe this country was founded based on those ideals.
            Because teacher said so?
            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


            • Originally posted by Omni Rex Draconis
              By what measure do Americans continue to claim this ultimate superiority?
              Americans are taught to believe that people are not equal. Whenever that happens the child will be obsessed with his or her self worth. Ultimately it's more comfortable to believe you are superior, although it often results in subconscious feelings of inferiority.
              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


              • Freedom is the price for eternal vigilance.
                Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...

