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Is McCain Ready to be President?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Patroklos

    No, I didn't, but please feel free to quote me doing so. I say that knowing full well that you won't (because you can't), and will continue your little temper tantrum.
    Reminder: I said that my parody was not about you specifically because you said: "Oddly enough, your attempted parody of the right will have backfired horribly once you fail to produce one [one meaning a quote by you]."

    You then denied that you said it was about you:

    Me: "my parody wasn't about you (big shock?). "

    You: "Nor did I say it was"

    But you did. By hinging me providing a quote from you on whether my parody succeeds or not must have the parody be about you.

    So yes, you did say that the parody is about you.

    Your problem is that by your own admission you expanded your parody beyond radio shows to just right-wingers in general. I will quote you, learn from what I do here so you can support your arguements in the future.
    Well, there's the problem. You can't read. Oh, that explains everything. I'm sorry I was so rude to you. You see, what I said was that I was parodying right-wing reasoning. A bit of a generalization, yes, as it was about a specific part of right-wing reasoning. Now I did accuse you of using the reasoning that I've been talking about. I've quoted at least two examples in this thread so far. And if you really can read, I'll add this as a third.

    From which you then specifically identify me as one of the "worst offenders." Not being a radio personality, I suppose I fall into your "right winger" category.
    Why are you quoting "right-winger"? I never used the term in this thread. It seems that you are misquoting me now. This would be quote number 4.

    You parody only works if those you identify exhibit the behavior you are parodying.
    Yup, and you have. However, it doesn't hinge on whether you alone exhibited those qualities as you claim it must. That's where you fallacy is.

    Apparently I display this behavior so prolifically that you felt the need to label me a "worst offender."
    Oh yeah, you are.

    Yet when challenged to produce one scrap of the behavior in question, you invoke the Oeridn defense of "I am not going to go through all your threads etc. etc."
    Actually I provided the quote for you. And you do post drivel. The use of the term "Oerdin defense" and the general comparisons to Oerdin that you do are exactly the type of right-wing reasoning that I'm talking about. This is one of the best examples on this forum. Now you've done it twice in this thread, I spotted it in another. That's at least 3 times in 24 hours. So yes, you are one of the worst offenders.

    Or in other words, you are full of BS and simply have no such quotes, and thus no basis for your parody.
    Right, the ignoring of things placed directly in front of you that counter your argument. I used that a bit in my parody too. Thanks for another example.

    If I am in fact a "worst offender" then it should be a trivial exercise on your part to provide evidence of this. But hey, you also identified DD, so why not quote him?
    Because I don't have to. I've pointed out DD's tricks in other threads. In fact, that's all we ever seem to talk about, which is part of his diversionary tactics. I'll give him credit he makes you work to stay on topic.

    Now, you'd have to argue that no right-wingers use the logic of my parody in order to call it a failure. But hell, I was following Limbaugh and Graham, so good luck there.

    And I rarely pay attention to you, nor should I given the childishness you have displayed in this thread. But again, feel free to back uo any of the personal insults you have bandied about in this thead.
    If I knew you'd be such a baby about all this, I wish you didn't pay attention to me at all. And I have backed up the insults, you're just ignoring. That's not my fault.

    No? What a surprise
    Whoa! Give me a chance! You hadn't even posted this stuff yet. Oh, this is number 5.

    Your the one making broad claims and then personal insults against people, and then fail to back them up. I can't help it if your positions (and using that word is charitable) lack any coroboration.
    I've provided 5+ (see below) quotes that show you fit the qualities that I've parodied. So let's at least call that part finished. And you've been quite insulting yourself, so don't hold me to a higher standard. I've just been getting the better reaction out of you.

    Dashi's achievements in this thread:

    1.) Failed parody in the OP.
    2.) Failure to support claims.
    3.) Throwing a 2 year old level temper tantrum, complete with personal insults.
    4.) Blissfull ignorance of self pwnage.


    EDIT: And let's be honest here, it is pretty obvious your OP is as much a parody as the 48" pizza post was just a joke. Quite transparent.
    and 7.

    So at the end, you can't deny that I've provided the quotes. Again, the logic as to how your quotes alone relate to my parody is silly, but that what you've chosed to cling to.

    Now would please just consider yourself pwned. At this point I could write your next response.

    Here it is:

    No, you are.

    You're Oerdin.

    You fail.

    You get the point. A bunch of non-sequitors, irrational declarations of victory, and character assassination based on the prior two. Again, that's what I've been parodying. If you can't see yourself doing it, don't blame me.
    Last edited by DaShi; May 9, 2008, 18:17.
    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
    "Capitalism ho!"


    • #92
      Originally posted by Caligastia
      When did Dashi turn into such an ideologue? What happened to the pithy comments and politically moderate groundedness?
      I'm not so much. I already admitted I like McCain. What I don't like is some of the sleazy tactics that some right-wingers use. Bleh, don't like that term. So I made a little parody of it for fun and cutely put Pat on the spot because I thought he could handle it. Boy was I wrong.
      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
      "Capitalism ho!"


      • #93
        Originally posted by Jaguar
        Whatever point DaShi was trying to make, he hasn't made it nearly as successfully as he thinks he has.
        I think only Pat is having problems with it. I really shouldn't have put him on the spot. I don't think PLATO noticed where I stated it was a parody and took offense. Again, PLATO, I apologize for that. It wasn't my intention. So I do admit that I made mistakes, however. I do stand by my opinions here. I guees I'm like McCain that way.
        “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
        "Capitalism ho!"


        • #94
          Originally posted by Darius871

          I agree with you about the crowd reactions, but Stewart & Co. certainly can't help that. As far as I'm concerned the apparent lean to the left is just an incidental byproduct of the right having been in power for nearly the last decade. They've spent plenty of time skewering Dem candidates in 2004 and 2008 which is the only time the left's been in the limelight, and I'm sure the show will start to seem relatively right-wing if the Dems take total control in 2009.

          Bottom line they only go after whoever provide the most comic material, which tends to mean A) the 24-hour news media and B) whoever happens to be in power and thereby getting the most attention.
          Jon Stewart is definitely to the left. However, he'll poke fun at the silly things that Dems do, and tries not to be too hard on the Republicans, even Cheney.
          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
          "Capitalism ho!"


          • #95
            Why are you quoting "right-winger"? I never used the term in this thread. It seems that you are misquoting me now.
            Since you missed it the first time...

            This thread was never about McCain. It was about taking the piss out of conservative radio shows and right-wing reasoning.
            You can quibble all you want about how that doesn't mean "right winger," but the fact is who uses right wing reasoning besides right wingers? You haven't fooled me, nor a few others who have called you out.

            As to the rest of your "quotes," not a single one displays the behavior you are supposedly parodying. Though your attempt was entertaining. Not only could you not provide one form the two posters you specifically identified, but you didn't even provide one from someone like Limbaugh or Savage.

            Again, your parody only works if the behavior you aim it at actually exitsts. You have not provided a single example of it thus far, and trust me there are plenty of people who would love to sand bag on me, the fact that they left you hanging here should tell you something.
            "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


            • #96
              You're feeding a stupid thread, Pat. Please stop.
              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


              • #97
                Feeding stupid threads is certainly a behavior I can easily be quoted on
                "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Patroklos

                  Since you missed it the first time...

                  You can quibble all you want about how that doesn't mean "right winger," but the fact is who uses right wing reasoning besides right wingers? You haven't fooled me, nor a few others who have called you out.
                  No one else has called me out on "right-winger." And that really doesn't mean right-winger. You're talking about a person, I'm talking about a way of reasoning. Mind you, I got what you were talking about, but if you're going to quote someone, be honest about it. That's all I'm saying here. So I guess you fooled yourself.

                  As to the rest of your "quotes," not a single one displays the behavior you are supposedly parodying. Though your attempt was entertaining.
                  How so? You see this is how it works. You ask for the quotes, I present them and explain how they fit the requirement. If you disagree, you need to explain how my reasoning is wrong. But all you say is "No, it not." That's childish.

                  Not only could you not provide one form the two posters you specifically identified, but you didn't even provide one from someone like Limbaugh or Savage.
                  I wasn't asked to. You're challenge specifically stated that it had to be a quote from you. Again, I've provided several. But I guess I could use this one too as it is trying to change the argument.

                  Again, your parody only works if the behavior you aim it at actually exitsts.
                  Again, I showed it specifically several times. I keep telling you this, but you keep ignoring it. Besides, according to you my parody fails if I can't provide a quote from you. This entire post of your is one huge backpedal. So I'll take it you've conceded.

                  You have not provided a single example of it thus far, and trust me there are plenty of people who would love to sand bag on me, the fact that they left you hanging here should tell you something.
                  Wow, even this entire sentence is a non-sequitor.

                  I could say that it tells me that I've handled myself pretty well. But that's just an assumption. Whether other people get involved has no relevance until they actually. Kind of sad, if that's what you need.
                  Last edited by DaShi; May 10, 2008, 01:35.
                  “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                  "Capitalism ho!"


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by DinoDoc
                    You're feeding a stupid thread, Pat. Please stop.
                    I'll agree with this actually. This thread really wasn't that good. For the most part, I'm rather dissappointed with my parody. Patty showed me that I missed a lot. Actually, that's been frustrating me more than anything here. It could have been so much better, if I spent more time reading his posts. Ah well, live and learn. I'm through with this one.
                    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                    "Capitalism ho!"


                    • Is McCain Ready to be President?
                      No, i dont think any of the candidates currently running are. For the simple reason the skills required to get elected are very different from the ones to be a president\leader.

                      I skipped the thread of course
                      if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                      ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                      • Originally posted by DaShi

                        I'm not so much. I already admitted I like McCain. What I don't like is some of the sleazy tactics that some right-wingers use. Bleh, don't like that term. So I made a little parody of it for fun and cutely put Pat on the spot because I thought he could handle it. Boy was I wrong.

                        ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                        ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                        • DaShi

                          aneeshm, DD, and now Pat... Who is next?


                          • I don't know. . .Lord Shiva.
                            “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                            "Capitalism ho!"


                            • Originally posted by PLATO
                              Is McCain ready to be President...compared to Barrack?

                              Hell yes.

                              If we are debating on that criteria the logical choice would have been Hillary Clinton.
                              Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                              The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                              The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila

