Originally posted by Wiglaf
But don't you think that public displays of homosexuality might invite sexual politics back at base and in the field that have absolutely no place in the army? Regulations are one thing...reality is another. And racism, and sexism have been overcome, but these are psychological problems -- sexual attraction is innate in everyone, and will never go away or be 'overcome.'
But don't you think that public displays of homosexuality might invite sexual politics back at base and in the field that have absolutely no place in the army? Regulations are one thing...reality is another. And racism, and sexism have been overcome, but these are psychological problems -- sexual attraction is innate in everyone, and will never go away or be 'overcome.'
So a man and a woman (while both in uniform) cannot by regulation kiss or even hold hands (PDA policy).
Once the man and woman are off duty and out of uniform, public display is permissible and occurs quite frequently.
OK, fine.
Now take a man and a man (or woman and woman, if you will) (while both in uniform) they too cannot by regulation kiss or even hold hands (PDA policy).
Once the man and man are off duty and out of uniform, public display is STILL forbidden. If they are caught, they are thrown to the wolves (their careers ruined and a dishonorable discharge usually follows).
This is what I had to live with for my 20-year career - the constant worry that "they" would find out and totally ruin my life. Thank God, I survived it all. But the fact still remains - IS IT RIGHT?!?
I had to live a double-life for over 20 years. Can any of you do that? Would any of you be willing to do it? COULD any of you do it?
Do I suspect that in my various assignments, my commanders suspected that I was gay? Of course. But I was a damned good Analyst and performed my job way above the standards...so they looked the other way...they didn't want to loose a vital key to their operations - me. As long as I kept my nose clean and "kept my hand out of the cookie jar" (if you will) all was well.
In all of my assignments I was well respected and sorely missed once I had to move on. (and I missed them as well)
I have to admit, even having to live that double-lifestyle; I learned a lot from the military and they helped me to grow. Being stationed in Europe for 15 years really opened my eyes to human nature in general - we are all the same.
Do I miss the military, even with it's anti-gay policies?? Oh yes.
It was 20 years of my life after all.