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Gary Gygax fails his Saving Throw

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  • #46
    Oh man, that's too bad. I grew up playing rpgs with my cousin. It was SO much fun. I still have such fond memories about all of those times. It was really great fun, we'd play hours and hours, sometimes we'd play 20 hours straight and then my aunt would basically tell me to go home because that's all we'd do some days. So we had that, we had merp, cyberpunk... harn was huge man, it was HUGE. But we grew up with this stuff, this was THE games we played. If I had to name, these would be it. Got me into fantasy as well, big time. A whole world, a different but a whole new world and ammo for imagination. Too soon for Gary, too soon...

    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Lord Avalon
      Maybe there's a time limit on embedding? It's still up on the site.

      Sorry the video or page cannot be found. The page may have been removed, had its name changed, or is just temporarily unavailable. Please use search or visit our home page. Thank you.

      Edit: Weird, after I played the video, I can see the embed again.
      I went to the site and tried to play it, still doesn't work.

      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


      • #48
        Isn't that awesome for life's work though? Giving people around the world fascinating times, where they get their imagination to a whole new level and can't wait to imagine some more, right? THat's bettter than just being an author for few books! I don't care what kind of a book you write, in my mind, this is a lot more influential in a way that is positive and awesome.

        Also, funny thing, my mom was convinced rpgs were like satan worshipping, because all moms thought that at some point in here. All these rumours about what had happened when peopled played these games, I mean completely ridiculous, right? As in Satan appeared and everyone went insane and today they still are insane. Basically these games were demonized, and if nothing else, then it was thought as escapism. I mean yeah, escapism, as in reality isn't good enough for oyu, so you go ahead and imagine things and play? WOOOOOOW! That's insanity boys.

        Anyways, so my mom said I couldn't play with my cousin, couldn't play rpgs. So what did I do? I just went and did that anyway! It was actually the only thing I remember really going against, just lying my ass off and sneaking out to go to my cousin's house and play . I can't remember doing anything else "bad", that was it. And I did it a lot No regrets!
        In da butt.
        "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
        "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


        • #49
          Sad news.
          I always played more DSA (popular RPG in grmany) and Earthdawn, than I did play (A)D&D (although owning the ruklebooks/-sets), but I think one can say that it is thanks to his precursor role that today we have a whole landscape of RPGs to choose from.

          Aside from this all there are also computer games like Baldurs gate or even the early Pool of Radiance series on which I spent countless hours playing and which wouldn´t exist if he hadn´t taken the steps to create D&D.

          So thanks for all the things you have done, Gary and Rest in Peace
          (well, unless you unexpectedly wake up in Sigil and have the chance to explore all the planes out there )
          Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
          Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


          • #50
            guess we are no longer satan worshipers

            RIP GG
            anti steam and proud of it

            CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


            • #51
              At least in the opinion of Jack Chick we all are

              Debbie thought playing Dungeons and Dragons was fun...until it destroyed her friend.
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"

