Originally posted by DinoDoc
I'm not really sure that the Iraq has WMD memo was a lie perpetuated by the Bush admin at least given the fact it preceded thier time in office. You can hang it on the incompetents at the CIA though probably the Church Committee and the limits it placed on the use of human intelligence as well.
I'm not really sure that the Iraq has WMD memo was a lie perpetuated by the Bush admin at least given the fact it preceded thier time in office. You can hang it on the incompetents at the CIA though probably the Church Committee and the limits it placed on the use of human intelligence as well.
I wouldn't, since the CIA's information was dubious at best, and they said so. In fact, the CIA was leaking all over the place telling anyone who would listen how bad the information they had (pointing to Iraq holding significant stockpiles of WMDs as well as active programs) was and how they had significantly better information saying the opposite. The problem was less the CIA and more the Office of Special Planning, which didn't vet any information which came its way. The main problem at the CIA was at the top, with an official who was a sycophant rather than doing his job to stand up to the president and tell him he was wrong.
The intelligence failure was the President's.
Nor would the Church Committee be at fault, since neither FISA nor the FIC hampered the ability of the CIA to gather information, especially since the FIC turned down only three requests before the invasion of Iraq. Given they're something of a rubber stamp, those three had to be really reaching. You'd be more accurate blaming Carter, who ended up sacking a lot of the Black Ops types, or Reagan, who purged any "left"-leaning types from the CIA, or Clinton, who became enamored of technological surveillance. The Church Committee, however, did its job in providing valuable oversight over an out of control organization with the blood of millions on its hands and reporting that information to the American people.