Originally posted by Geronimo
If they appreciate life so much why the antipathy towards procreation? Why not strive to procreate and raise enlightened offspring to share in that appreciation of life?
If they appreciate life so much why the antipathy towards procreation? Why not strive to procreate and raise enlightened offspring to share in that appreciation of life?
Even if I raised offspring, their happiness would not be my business. They don't have to listen to me anyway, they aren't actually mine. Just because they share my genetics, does not make them mine.
That doesn't mean anything really. We all accept we're going to die and yet most of us aren't remotely suicidal. Why is it different for a civilization?
In buddhism, euthanasia is quite forbidden (for buddhist followers, non-buddhists can do as they please, it doesn't make them evil). But by the same token, dragging things out is not really encouraged. You will be much happier living a life where you never feared death, than a life spent always fearing death.
Fear of death which results in clinging to life, is quite foolish. Remaining alive for reasons other than fear of death, is okay though.
Then I find your confidence that all generalist AI's will become enlightened very puzzling. Perhaps this is an act of faith on your part?
What if happiness requires a limbic system or it's equivalent and this is superfluous to designing a powerful AI?
What if happiness requires a limbic system or it's equivalent and this is superfluous to designing a powerful AI?
* Or should I say, have yet comprehended... I'm sure you could comprehend it in principle.