I suppose I could justify that.
Drugs induce a state of Rapture.
It is possible, during meditation, to encounter such states.
HOWEVER, such states are actually a distraction, experiencing them is not to be made the goal of meditation. If someone delights in such states of mind, they will not attain Nibbana. It's sort of like climbing halfway up a mountain and stopping forever to marvel at the view. Sure it's nice; but you've kind of missed the point of climbing the mountain. Although I think an even nicer analogy for drugs is like getting launched by catapult. You enjoy a really great view and experience and get really high... for a little while...
There are forms of meditation which are towards the "ecstatic", some meditative practices are designed to increase the sensual pleasure of sex, and such.
As surely as the sun rises, these will not lead to Nibbana.
Likewise, dulling the mind makes it impossible to meditate, one can not meditate with a slothful mind.
Meditation involves, experience fully, states like anger, boredom. Numbing yourself to these states of mind, will result in meditating like a chicken (bird, not coward).
Even if it were possible to make a drug which allowed one to experience the freedom and bliss of nibbana, anyone taking that drug would become utterly dependent on the provider of that drug, hopelessly attached, suffering miserably when denied that drug. They would not be experiencing the benefits of attaining nibbana. To use the mountain analogy, it would be a very powerful catapult.
Drugs induce a state of Rapture.
It is possible, during meditation, to encounter such states.
HOWEVER, such states are actually a distraction, experiencing them is not to be made the goal of meditation. If someone delights in such states of mind, they will not attain Nibbana. It's sort of like climbing halfway up a mountain and stopping forever to marvel at the view. Sure it's nice; but you've kind of missed the point of climbing the mountain. Although I think an even nicer analogy for drugs is like getting launched by catapult. You enjoy a really great view and experience and get really high... for a little while...
There are forms of meditation which are towards the "ecstatic", some meditative practices are designed to increase the sensual pleasure of sex, and such.
As surely as the sun rises, these will not lead to Nibbana.
Likewise, dulling the mind makes it impossible to meditate, one can not meditate with a slothful mind.
Meditation involves, experience fully, states like anger, boredom. Numbing yourself to these states of mind, will result in meditating like a chicken (bird, not coward).
Even if it were possible to make a drug which allowed one to experience the freedom and bliss of nibbana, anyone taking that drug would become utterly dependent on the provider of that drug, hopelessly attached, suffering miserably when denied that drug. They would not be experiencing the benefits of attaining nibbana. To use the mountain analogy, it would be a very powerful catapult.