Re: Re: Re: World politics: Educate my sorry ass!...please.
SERB HOW DARE YOU. I went to Russia once and I was surprised, I thought that all the old people had gone somewhere on vacation.When I got into a taxi cab, which was run by the mafia who have SMGs, the gentlemen behind the wheel informed me that all Russians die lonely before they are 50 by either A) shooting themselves dramatically while listening to music, B) dying of old age because there is no MEDICAL care, or c) getting gassed/shot/raped/strangled by Putin for proving he bombs Chechen apartment complexes to get off.
NOW HERE"S THE KICKER. I then asked him, so DON'T YOU HAVE ANY NATIONAL HEROES. Like Yogi Berra, George Bush, the original Star Wars movies, or Harrison Ford. I was told, no. The only culture in Russia is what you see in propaganda. They will say, "new movie opening here!" But then you show up and there is no movie, only a firing squad. There is no pride, no happiness, no joy in that soul-sucking, snowy abyss of hell, and even Texas is far superior to Russia, what with the amount of death, anal sex, destruction, and decay that spreads rampant illness and despair across the entire ass hole of a country. By the way I couldn't find Moscow on a map and neither can anyone important.
Stand down or get out of the kitchen
Originally posted by Serb
Are you sure you from the Washington D.C. not from Texas?
What I am talking about? You Yankees are all the same - arrogant bastards. I have not talked with you, well, since 2001, 2002?
I don't regret it at all, because you sir is a total as$hole.
Have a nice day
Are you sure you from the Washington D.C. not from Texas?
What I am talking about? You Yankees are all the same - arrogant bastards. I have not talked with you, well, since 2001, 2002?
I don't regret it at all, because you sir is a total as$hole.
Have a nice day
NOW HERE"S THE KICKER. I then asked him, so DON'T YOU HAVE ANY NATIONAL HEROES. Like Yogi Berra, George Bush, the original Star Wars movies, or Harrison Ford. I was told, no. The only culture in Russia is what you see in propaganda. They will say, "new movie opening here!" But then you show up and there is no movie, only a firing squad. There is no pride, no happiness, no joy in that soul-sucking, snowy abyss of hell, and even Texas is far superior to Russia, what with the amount of death, anal sex, destruction, and decay that spreads rampant illness and despair across the entire ass hole of a country. By the way I couldn't find Moscow on a map and neither can anyone important.
Stand down or get out of the kitchen