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Crazy "God Hates Fags" church forced to pay $11 million

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  • Originally posted by Berzerker

    So what? The Catholic Church is by far the largest Church in the country. Notice how I didn't say Christians who call gays an abomination? I said "the Church". But if I did say Christians who call gays an abomination, wouldn't that mean I'm talking about Christians WHO CALL GAYS AN ABOMINATION and not Christians who dont? Doh!
    Sueing christians would be silly, how would someone bring suit against 250 million individuals
    This is what I said, can gays sue the Church for calling them an abomination to God? Calling someone an abomination to God is not an action? Therein lies the problem, you cant figure that out. Would you care to start a poll to find out how many people here think you're right? Jesus H Christ, Doc. The second half of the sentence makes the obvious distinction between the Church that calls gays an abomination and churches that dont - thats a qualifier. Furthermore, it wouldn't matter if "the Church" referred to more churches than the Catholic Church, it would still mean churches that call gays an abomination.
    You didn't use the preposition "that", you used the preposition "for". Substituting the word "that" in place of "for' does indeed change the meaning of the sentence. OK, I get it, you want to go back and change the meaning of your sentence, Dan.

    I am a Catholic, can I use the Church for the Catholic Church? And BS, dont tell me Protestants dont ever refer to the Catholic Church as the Church. You just make these ridiculous claims you cant even try to back up.
    Now we're getting somewhere. You're a Roman Catholic. It makes sense that you would use the short form "the Church" to identify the Roman catholic Church. I didn't know you were a Roman Catholic, and forgive me if the idea didn't cross my mind, it's just that you often hold positions that one would think of as somewhat odd for a Roman Catholic, i.e., pro-recreational drug, pro-prostitution, etc. I'm sure there are situations in which protestants refer to the Roman Catholic Church as the Church, primarily when they're discussing something about the Roman Catholic Church, perhaps in a news item. I think you'll find in such situations it is so obvioust the the Roman Church is the subject of conversation that the full name need not be used. Likewise if they were talking about their own church or any other church in such a manner that the identity was obvious they might not bother with the full name.

    Hey Doc, you're giving me lectures in sentence structure and you always capitalize "Church"?
    It is proper to capitalize "church" when you're using it as a proper name, this includes when referring to the collection of all Christians who form the abstract body known as the Church. The word is not capitalized when you're referring to a building in general.
    First you confused "the Church" with your church, then you said Christians think "the Church" is a reference to all of Christianity.
    No I did not. There is no confusion. All of Christianity is the Church. You seem to have trouble with the concept of "the Church" as a body that encompasses all Christians. I'm not sure whether this concept is completely absent from Roman Catholcisim. Perhaps you should talk to Ben Kenobi about this
    I pointed out southern Baptists do not share kinship with the Vatican. Your "rebuttal"? Southern Baptists are a minority of Christians. You just keep changing your argument. If I was in your position I would have apologized long ago.
    You still don't get it. Protestants haven't felt an allegiance to Rome for nearly 500 years. Furthermore are there any areas in which you can think of here they look to Rome for leadership. The problem is that as a Catholic you have a different concept of Ecumenicism. For protestants the Ecumenical movement means inter-denominational cooperation. To Roman Catholics it means campaigning for new members. You seem to have a great deal of trouble grasping the fact that protestants think differently than Catholics.
    Last edited by Dr Strangelove; November 7, 2007, 20:33.
    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


    • I can't believe you two are still arguing about that.
      "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
      "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain

