Originally posted by DRoseDARs
Oh, and I should note that the opposite of your argument here is true, that throwing thousands of gay people (men and women) OUT of the military has caused problems. The most glaring of which are finding adequate numbers of capable translators when we're in dire need of them in both Iraq, Afghanistan, and intelligence gathering and analysis.
Oh, and I should note that the opposite of your argument here is true, that throwing thousands of gay people (men and women) OUT of the military has caused problems. The most glaring of which are finding adequate numbers of capable translators when we're in dire need of them in both Iraq, Afghanistan, and intelligence gathering and analysis.
They've basically tossed out 26 linguists over a six year period for the dates covered by that study. That's just over 4 per year getting kicked out and several thousand a year go through DLI in Monterrey not even counting people who are ESL and already speak another language.
In short it should stop but clearly not many people in key fields are getting shown the door. It is an unjust situation but as the struggle for equal rights goes it isn't the biggest. Maybe prioritizing the right to have committed relationships recognized by the state (with all associated benefits) should be higher on the priority list then this? Just a bit of perspective.