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Willard Steps in Some Macaca

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ramo

    At the same time ~40-45% of the electorate already hates her and won't vote for her. They'll try to smear Obama, but I think he'll hold up fine. Frankly, I'm pretty sure the Dems will win regardless of who's nominated. In any other year it's likely that the difference between an Obama and a Hillary would by relatively small, but 2008 looks like another wave year, and I want to maximize Dem gains down ticket. Maybe get a filibuster-proof Senate by 2010 so we can actually see universal health care.
    About 40-45% of the electorate is likely to vote GOP anyway.

    Interestingly, in one on one matchups so far, while Obama does somewhat better than Hillary against McCain, Romney, and Thompson, Hillary does better against Giuliani than Obama - and Giuliani is the GOP's best candidate. Im not quite sure what thats about.

    I would also suggest that a substance focused campaign is more likely to have coattails than one focused heavily on personality.

    I believe its at least as likely that Hillary can reintroduce herself to the center, as Obama can hold up under the GOP attack.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • #32
      As for working out the kinks, thats why you have to do it BEFORE you pass the thing. One reason Hilary may not have announced hers yet.
      The idea that everything is going to work out fine immediately is unrealistic. Any health care plan for a country with nearly 300 million people is bound to have problems, regardless of how many months you spend writing it.

      But if his numbers have sloppy accounting, I'm sure we'll hear it soon enough...

      About 40-45% of the electorate is likely to vote GOP anyway.
      But probably not exactly the same 40-45% that hates Hillary. It's also about energizing the opposition with a lackluster candidate - Clinton could play the same role Bush did in the '04.

      I would also suggest that a substance focused campaign is more likely to have coattails than one focused heavily on personality.
      I would argue that having an appealing personality isn't detrimental to a Presidential campaign or its coat-tails. I still don't know what you base his "lack of substance" on...
      "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "

