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I've created a process that should take awhile (over a month) to find the greatest civilization in History. Here are the rules for nominations:
1. each person may nominate 4 civs (the number may increase if nominations are few)
2. you may only nominate 1 civ from each of the following groups: Americas, Europe, Greco-Roman (the only culture based group while the others are regional), Middle East, Africa (not including the M E), Asia (also not including the M E).
3. only 8 civs from each group will be taken. If one group is not geting many nominations and the group you want give a nomination in is full, you may go ahead and give the nomination although it may get bumped. So say Group A only has 6 nominations and Group B has 8 nominations and you want to nominate in Group B. After you nominate that civ, Group A gets 2 more nominations. Your nomination gets bumped and you may pick a replacement. The process swhich lets you do this will be explained later.
4. After a week, no new nomiations will be accepted
Here are the judging catagories (if you think another one is needed or one should be taken away please say so):
1. Historical Significance- how much they affected history (plaese say if you think this this one should be given double weight)
2. Military Power- how powerful their military was
3. Political Power- How easily the leader(s) could affect external events
4. Cultural Power- How unique the culture of this civ was (by unique I mean compared to ones that came earlier), how long lasting the culture was, and how easily the culture was adopted elsewhere
5. Economic Power- how powerful the econemy of the civ was without having to plunder its own land or make incredibally high taxes and how far reaching their trade was.
6. Scientific Development- how many scientific advances and important inventions were made here
7. Architectural Achievements- how good their Architecture was compared others of their time
8. Centraliztion- how unified the civ was
I will now explain the rest of the process:
After 48 civs are nominated or one week comes up, 2 polls will be started with 3 groups voting in each poll. You may vote for 4 civs for each catagory. (Plaese say if think that number should be reduced 3 Greco-Roman and increased to 5 Middle East or if you think any other group should have one taken away another increased) Voting will go on for 4 days. When voting is over, the top 4 civs (with the exceptins explained above) from each catagory will go on.
A thread for discustions over how each of the civs is good the 8 catagories above will then be posted. After 4 days a poll in which you vote for 10 of the 24 civs will be posted. The poll will be open for 4 days. After that the top 10 civs fo on. A week of discusstion over what civs are best in each of the catagories will then go on. After a week you may then give your score (0-10) to each civ in each catagory. After a week all civs scores for each catagory will then be averaged and added up. The top (please what number you think should go here) will go on. 4 days of discusstion will then go on over the remaining civs. Then a poll will decide who is the greatest.
Remember, constructive comment are welcome.
I've created a process that should take awhile (over a month) to find the greatest civilization in History. Here are the rules for nominations:
1. each person may nominate 4 civs (the number may increase if nominations are few)
2. you may only nominate 1 civ from each of the following groups: Americas, Europe, Greco-Roman (the only culture based group while the others are regional), Middle East, Africa (not including the M E), Asia (also not including the M E).
3. only 8 civs from each group will be taken. If one group is not geting many nominations and the group you want give a nomination in is full, you may go ahead and give the nomination although it may get bumped. So say Group A only has 6 nominations and Group B has 8 nominations and you want to nominate in Group B. After you nominate that civ, Group A gets 2 more nominations. Your nomination gets bumped and you may pick a replacement. The process swhich lets you do this will be explained later.
4. After a week, no new nomiations will be accepted
Here are the judging catagories (if you think another one is needed or one should be taken away please say so):
1. Historical Significance- how much they affected history (plaese say if you think this this one should be given double weight)
2. Military Power- how powerful their military was
3. Political Power- How easily the leader(s) could affect external events
4. Cultural Power- How unique the culture of this civ was (by unique I mean compared to ones that came earlier), how long lasting the culture was, and how easily the culture was adopted elsewhere
5. Economic Power- how powerful the econemy of the civ was without having to plunder its own land or make incredibally high taxes and how far reaching their trade was.
6. Scientific Development- how many scientific advances and important inventions were made here
7. Architectural Achievements- how good their Architecture was compared others of their time
8. Centraliztion- how unified the civ was
I will now explain the rest of the process:
After 48 civs are nominated or one week comes up, 2 polls will be started with 3 groups voting in each poll. You may vote for 4 civs for each catagory. (Plaese say if think that number should be reduced 3 Greco-Roman and increased to 5 Middle East or if you think any other group should have one taken away another increased) Voting will go on for 4 days. When voting is over, the top 4 civs (with the exceptins explained above) from each catagory will go on.
A thread for discustions over how each of the civs is good the 8 catagories above will then be posted. After 4 days a poll in which you vote for 10 of the 24 civs will be posted. The poll will be open for 4 days. After that the top 10 civs fo on. A week of discusstion over what civs are best in each of the catagories will then go on. After a week you may then give your score (0-10) to each civ in each catagory. After a week all civs scores for each catagory will then be averaged and added up. The top (please what number you think should go here) will go on. 4 days of discusstion will then go on over the remaining civs. Then a poll will decide who is the greatest.
Remember, constructive comment are welcome.