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This day in history

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Zkribbler

    I find it ironic and shameful that our US Congress condemns the Ottoman genocide of the Armenians in 1915 for the exact same thing we did to our native American citizens back in the 19th Century.
    You do know Ramo and I had an extensive discussion in OT of the comparison, and whether or not it was apt?

    It has a lot to do with what was encouraged along the way, in terms of food, treatment, etc.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • #77
      Originally posted by lord of the mark
      You do know Ramo and I had an extensive discussion in OT of the comparison, and whether or not it was apt?
      I didn't know that. But then again, there are so many things I do not know.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Zkribbler

        I didn't know that.

        See post 72 or so on ... before Herreson threadjacks it.

        and oh yes, in this case its me and Geronimo - though Im pretty sure I had a similar debate with Ramo elsewhere.
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


        • #79
          Pope George W. Urban calls for a Crusade -- predicts a quick and inexpensive victory over the Islamofascists.

          Pope Urban II orders first Crusade

          On November 27, 1095, Pope Urban II makes perhaps the most influential speech of the Middle Ages, giving rise to the Crusades by calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land, with a cry of "Deus volt!" or "God wills it!"

          Born Odo of Lagery in 1042, Urban was a protege of the great reformer Pope Gregory VII. Like Gregory, he made internal reform his main focus, railing against simony (the selling of church offices) and other clerical abuses prevalent during the Middle Ages. Urban showed himself to be an adept and powerful cleric, and when he was elected pope in 1088, he applied his statecraft to weakening support for his rivals, notably Clement III.

          By the end of the 11th century, the Holy Land--the area now commonly referred to as the Middle East--had become a point of conflict for European Christians. Since the 6th century, Christians frequently made pilgrimages to the birthplace of their religion, but when the Seljuk Turks took control of Jerusalem, Christians were barred from the Holy City. When the Turks then threatened to invade the Byzantine Empire and take Constantinople, Byzantine Emperor Alexius I made a special appeal to Urban for help. This was not the first appeal of its kind, but it came at an important time for Urban. Wanting to reinforce the power of the papacy, Urban seized the opportunity to unite Christian Europe under him as he fought to take back the Holy Land from the Turks.

          At the Council of Clermont, in France, at which several hundred clerics and noblemen gathered, Urban delivered a rousing speech summoning rich and poor alike to stop their in-fighting and embark on a righteous war to help their fellow Christians in the East and take back Jerusalem. Urban denigrated the Muslims, exaggerating stories of their anti-Christian acts, and promised absolution and remission of sins for all who died in the service of Christ.

          Urban's war cry caught fire, mobilizing clerics to drum up support throughout Europe for the crusade against the Muslims. All told, between 60,000 and 100,000 people responded to Urban's call to march on Jerusalem. Not all who responded did so out of piety: European nobles were tempted by the prospect of increased land holdings and riches to be gained from the conquest. These nobles were responsible for the death of a great many innocents both on the way to and in the Holy Land, absorbing the riches and estates of those they conveniently deemed opponents to their cause. Adding to the death toll was the inexperience and lack of discipline of the Christian peasants against the trained, professional armies of the Muslims. As a result, the Christians were initially beaten back, and only through sheer force of numbers were they eventually able to triumph.

          Urban died in 1099, two weeks after the fall of Jerusalem but before news of the Christian victory made it back to Europe. His was the first of seven major military campaigns fought over the next two centuries known as the Crusades, the bloody repercussions of which are still felt today. Urban was beatified by the Roman Catholic Church in 1881.


          • #80
            November 29, 1947

            U.N. votes for partition of Palestine

            Despite strong Arab opposition, the United Nations votes for the partition of Palestine and the creation of an independent Jewish state.

            The modern conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine dates back to the 1910s, when both groups laid claim to the British-controlled territory. The Jews were Zionists, recent emigrants from Europe and Russia who came to the ancient homeland of the Jews to establish a Jewish national state. The native Palestinian Arabs sought to stem Jewish immigration and set up a secular Palestinian state.

            Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. As a result of the Holocaust in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine, which they thought had betrayed the Zionist cause. At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which on November 29, 1947, voted to partition Palestine.

            The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, though they made up less than half of Palestine's population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but the Jews secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, 1948, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed by Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion. The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded.

            The Israelis, though less well equipped, managed to fight off the Arabs and then seize key territories, such as Galilee, the Palestinian coast, and a strip of territory connecting the coastal region to the western section of Jerusalem. In 1949, U.N.-brokered cease-fires left the State of Israel in permanent control of those conquered areas. The departure of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs from Israel during the war left the country with a substantial Jewish majority.


            • #81
              looks like they wrapped up that Israel problem nicely.


              • #82
                "Mission Accomplished!"


                • #83
                  Nov. 30, 1874: Winston Churchill is born. HB Winnie!


                  • #84

                    1835 - Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain born.

                    1939 - USSR invades Finland.
                    Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
                    Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
                    One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


                    • #85
                      1 December

                      1913 - Assembly Line discovered! Ford Motor Company introduces continuously moving assembly line.

                      1955 - African-American Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat to a white man and is jailed.

                      1959 - Antarctica made a military-free continent.
                      Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
                      Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
                      One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


                      • #86

                        1934 Billy Paul Philadelphia PA, singer (Me & Mrs Jones)

                        1935 Woody Allen [Allen Stuart Konigsberg] Brooklyn (Zelig Annie Hall)

                        1939 Lee [Buck] Trevino Dallas TX, PGA golfer (US Open 1968, 71)

                        1940 Richard Pryor Illinois, comedian/actor (Lady Sings the Blues, Stir Crazy)

                        1944 John Densmore Los Angeles CA, drummer (Doors-Light My Fire)

                        1976 Konerak Sinthasomphone Milwaukee WI, Jeffrey Dahmer's victim
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • #87

                          1640 Portugal regains independence after 60 years of Spanish rule

                          1804 Emperor Napoleon marries Joséphine of Martinique

                          1835 Hans Christian Andersen published his 1st book of fairy tales

                          1878 1st White House telephone installed

                          1891 James Naismith creates the game of basketball

                          1917 Boys Town founded by Father Edward Flanagan, west of Omaha NE

                          1918 Serbian-Croatian-Slovic kingdom proclaimed in Belgrade

                          1929 Game of BINGO invented by Edwin S Lowe

                          1971 John & Yoko release "Happy Xmas (War is Over)" in US

                          1987 Digging begins to link England & France under the English Channel
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • #88
                            Dec. 2, 1942: Fermi produces the first nuclear chain reaction.

                            Happy Birthday, Nuclear Age!


                            • #89
                              DECEMBER 5TH Birthdays

                              1782 Martin Van Buren Kinderhook NY, (D) 8th President (1837-41)

                              1839 George Armstrong Custer Major General (Union volunteers, of Little Big Horn fame), died in 1876

                              1901 Walter Elias Disney Chicago IL, animator (Mickey Mouse)

                              1902 [Steve James] Strom Thurmond (Senator-D/R-SC)

                              1905 Otto Preminger Austria, director/producer (Laura, Exodus)

                              1932 Little Richard [Wayne Penniman] Macon GA, rocker (Tutti Frutti, Lucille)
                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                              • #90

                                1848 President Polk triggers Gold Rush of '49, confirms California gold discovery

                                1893 1st electric car (built in Toronto) could go 15 miles between charges

                                1932 German physicist Albert Einstein granted a visa

                                1936 Armenian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Georgian SSR, Kazakhstan SSR & Kirghiz SSR becomes constituent republics of the Soviet Union

                                1945 "Lost Squadron" crashes east of Florida (Bermuda Triangle)

                                1946 President Truman creates Committee on Civil Rights by Executive Order #9808

                                1955 Historic bus boycott begins in Montgomery AL by Rosa Parks

                                1974 "Monty Python's Flying Circus" final episode airs on BBC
                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

