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Ban alcohol, ban porn, they can't handle it, damn immature teenag.... oh, Aborigines

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  • Ban alcohol, ban porn, they can't handle it, damn immature teenag.... oh, Aborigines

    CANBERRA, Australia - Australia's prime minister announced plans Thursday to ban pornography and alcohol for Aborigines in northern areas and tighten control over their welfare benefits to fight child sex abuse among them.

    Some Aboriginal leaders rejected the plan as paternalistic and said the measures were discriminatory and would violate the civil rights of the country's original inhabitants. But others applauded the initiative and recommended extending the welfare restrictions to Aborigines in other parts of the country.

    Prime Minister John Howard was responding to a report last week that found sexual abuse of children to be rampant in indigenous communities in the Northern Territory. The report said the abuse was fueled by endemic alcohol abuse, unemployment, poverty and other factors causing a breakdown in traditional society.

    "This is a national emergency," Howard told Parliament. "We're dealing with a group of young Australians for whom the concept of childhood innocence has never been present."

    Howard announced the measures for the Northern Territory, an Outback region where the federal government retains powers it doesn't have over Australia's six states. He urged state leaders to apply similar tough rules in their jurisdictions.

    The federal government can change laws in the territory with an act of Parliament, where Howard has a majority that ensures he can implement his policy.

    Australia is home to about 400,000 Aborigines. About 60,000 live in the Northern Territory, often in isolated, impoverished communities where jobs are scarce and substance abuse is widespread. The land was returned to them over the past 30 years and accounts for about half the Northern Territory, which is about twice the size of Texas.

    The plan angered some Aboriginal leaders, who said it was the kind of government behavior that has disenfranchised Aborigines and created the problems in the first place. They also complained they had not been consulted; the government had not previously indicated it was considering such action.

    "I'm absolutely disgusted by this patronizing government control," said Mitch, a member of a government board helping Aborigines who were taken from their parents under past assimilation laws who uses one name. "And tying drinking with welfare payments is just disgusting."

    "If they're going to do that, they're going to have to do that with every single person in Australia, not just black people," she said.

    Howard said the sale, possession and transportation of alcohol would be banned for six months on the Aboriginal-owned land, after which the policy would be reviewed. The child abuse report found drinking was a key factor in the collapse of Aboriginal culture, contributing to neglect of children and creating opportunities for pedophiles.

    Hardcore pornography also would be banned, and publicly funded computers would be audited to ensure that they had not downloaded such images. The report said pornography was rife in Aboriginal communities and that children often were exposed to it.

    Under Howard's plan, new restrictions would be placed on welfare payments for Aborigines living on the land to prevent the money from being spent on alcohol and gambling. Parents would be required to spend at least half their welfare on essentials such as food, and payments also would be linked to a child's school attendance.

    Howard also called on state governments to send police to the Northern Territory to address a shortage on Aboriginal land there and offered to pay their expenses.

    The child abuse report was commissioned by the Northern Territory government and is widely regarded as credible although it attracted some critics. It was unable to quantify the extent of the sexual abuse problem, since anecdotal evidence suggested much of it went unreported.

    Conducted by an indigenous health worker and a government lawyer, it found children had been sexually abused in all 45 remote communities visited. The abusers were both Aborigines and non-Aborigines operating in or near their communities.

    The report made 97 recommendations, including boosting procedures for reporting and monitoring offenders, and addressing widespread poverty and alcoholism.

    Australia's original inhabitants suffer far higher rates of poverty and substance abuse than the rest of the country's 21 million people, and their life expectancy is 17 years shorter.

    For years, white men were banned from marrying Aboriginal woman, and mixed-race children were taken from their Aboriginal mothers to be assimilated into mainstream society.

    Though many found employment in the cattle and sheep industries, they were paid less than whites, sometimes working just for rations. Unable to achieve economic independence, many have become welfare dependent.
    I'm quite interested to hear people's thoughts on this.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

  • #2
    Encourage self-sufficiency and a return to their traditional culture. Increase child protective services, and involve the community in the effort to stamp this out. The racially discriminatory law will be ineffective at best. Even if it were enforced, they would get their booze somehow. The aborigine community needs to change.
    ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
    ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


    • #3
      Damn bass-akward southerners.
      "In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion


      • #4
        I actually agree with Cali on the short term handling, though a lot would have to change also in Australian 'white' society so they'll have a chance in the long run.

        I probably don't agree with Cali on the long term reasons for the current situation.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Caligastia Even if it were enforced, they would get their booze somehow.
          Actually - when I was in the outback a few years ago - there were some very successfully run "dry" camps. But these were deemed to be dry by the "elders" not the government.

          While it is easy to dismiss - man - something has to be done. I saw some horrific things while I was there.

          Not an easy situation - and personally I think more needs to be done than saying "they need to change".
          I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


          • #6
            Am I the only one amused by Ozzy's impassioned defense of child sex abuse?
            I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
            For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


            • #7
              Aboriginals can cope with drought, flood, famine, and anything the Australian continent can throw at them, but they can't cope with civilisation.
              Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


              • #8
                I read somewhere that Aboriginals think very differently than other humans: very good instinct/sense, but weak logical and reasoning skills.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by One_more_turn
                  I read somewhere that Aboriginals think very differently than other humans: very good instinct/sense, but weak logical and reasoning skills.
                  What does that even mean?
                  How do you test a population and conclude that they have good sense?
                  Or good instinct?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bkeela
                    Aboriginals can cope with drought, flood, famine, and anything the Australian continent can throw at them, but they can't cope with civilisation.
                    No. They can't cope with White Man's civilisation rammed down their throats whilst having their land stolen, their women raped and their children stolen...

                    Australia is still a massively racist and bigoted country and the treatment of the aborigines to this day is appalling.

                    I know, I've lived there and been to the outback and seen it first hand in places like Wilcannia and Redfern! The only equivalent I have seen in the West, are the Native American reservations around Tucson, and N AZ/S UT - but then, the same thing happened to them, didn't it?

                    Poor bastards!
                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lul Thyme

                      What does that even mean?
                      How do you test a population and conclude that they have good sense?
                      Or good instinct?
                      Just the further propagation of the ongoing racism and bigotry that today's 'abos' have to endure...
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by One_more_turn
                        I read somewhere that Aboriginals think very differently than other humans: very good instinct/sense, but weak logical and reasoning skills.

                        As demonstrated by this chap on Australian currency:

                        Writer, public speaker and inventor.
                        David Unaipon made significant contributions to science and literature, and to improvements in the conditions of Aboriginal people.

                        A Ngarrindjeri man, Unaipon was born at the Point McLeay Mission, on the Lower Murray in South Australia, on 28 September 1872, the fourth of nine children of the evangelist James Ngunaitponi and his wife Nymbulda, both of whom were Yaraldi speakers.

                        Unaipon received his initial education at the Point McLeay Mission School and as a teenager demonstrated a thirst for knowledge, particularly in philosophy, science and music. An avid reader, he was obsessed with scientific works and inventions and, with no advanced education in mathematics, he researched many engineering problems and devised a number of his own inventions.

                        In 1909 he patented an improved handpiece for sheep-shearing. Other inventions included a centrifugal motor, a multi-radial wheel and mechanical propulsion device; he was unable, however, to get financial backing to develop his ideas. He gained a reputation at the time of being 'Australia's Leonardo' for his promotion of scientific ideas. As early as 1914, Unaipon anticipated the helicopter, applying the principle of the boomerang. His search for the secret of perpetual motion lasted throughout his life.

                        I've even met some who've worked out they wuz robbed!

                        Attached Files
                        Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                        ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                        • #13
                          My god, just imagine what he could've accomplished without his reasoning and logic skills handicap!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ecthy
                            I actually agree with Cali on the short term handling, though a lot would have to change also in Australian 'white' society so they'll have a chance in the long run.
                            Believe it or not, there are some problems that can't be solved by White people.
                            ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                            ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                            • #15
                              No, just created by them in the first place...
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

