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The AAHZ Effect...
I'm well aware I'm a character, and I have embraced it for a long time. You will never see me though get emotional unless I'm trying to elicit a response from someone through my all powerful sarcasm. In other words, I have never bled my heart on here and I never will. It's time to get off the computer if you use a gaming internet forum as an emotional outlet.
Japher: You have enough working against you as it is without using words like "kewl."
EoN you're a jackass
and not in away that I call Sloww a jackass
just a plain moron
I can put up with Asher's ego, and can even think him worthy of such a high opinion of himself (no offense Asher), but your penis must be incredibly small to be so full of yourself that you must troll a troll
I'm curious, are you stooping or rising to my level here?