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Civfanatics more active than Apolyton?

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  • #61
    Uh oh.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


    • #62
      well. im in deep trouble now i guess.

      Order of the Fly
      Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


      • #63
        Originally posted by EyesOfNight
        I calculated out the number of guests and members on line during the day in 15 minute increments. I then took the number of posts to online user ratios from the off-topic forum to come to a stunning conclusion: Apolyton is losing ground to Civfanatics.
        And you call everyone else here losers!

        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


        • #64
          Originally posted by Bauzer
          EoN is right.

          plus the fact that 'Poly is filled with some of the most stuffy and stuck up posters i have ever shared the boards with. this was evident during my AAHZ days when i was literally SHAT on by everybody in the OTF when i returned in FEB 2007 with a few exceptions. PH and Shiva even joked that I was "fresh meat" because i came from Civ General. The fact that n00bs are spit on here is not new either. in one of the deleted forums 3 years ago, i cant remember which forum now, and when i just created my AAHZ account... i claimed that i enjoyed Civ 3 and listed reasons why. I was then literally spit on for about 3 pages full of members who basically laughed me of the thread. Every time i had a question or comment i was either degraded somehow by being a n00b or completely ignored. I had to struggle and fight my way just to gain the respect enough around here for people to even respond seriously to one of my posts. AND THIS IS FROM SOMEBODY WHO WAS HERE SINCE FEB 2000! My AAHZ days were absolutely MISERABLE and the only reason i didnt jump to CFC is because i hate their strict moderation and 'Poly is my home even if my "family" wanted to kick me out. Now everybody's like OH **** HE IS ONE OF US THE WHOLE TIME! dont think that for a second i dont know WTF is going on here. I am pissed because 'Poly is my home and i dont want to see it die and i will fight, even if i have to slap some of YOU, to wake the hell up!

          do any of you honestly think that any n00bs or ANYBODY from CFC will come here after what I had to go through just to be noticed? You think that ANYBODY worth a brain over there dosent know about our n00b policy? They have called us barbarians and brutes.

          news flash people: the barbarians didnt last.
          I'm not sure if yours was a thread I posted in, but I never lashed out at you. I defended civ3. It was a decent game. I wouldn't have played it if it weren't decent. I was disappointed with the ptw expansion,but liked conquests.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Bauzer

            did you read what i posted to Sava in the Pub of Eventis? that was real talk not a stupid chat war. i have been where he has been and if he wants to dis me and flame me and **** on me that he can do that. but i was MAN enough to tell him LIKE A MAN that i respect him and his struggle. that was REAL TALK, Jon Miller.

            I feel just as strongly about Apolyton dying. I cannot tell any of you how pissed off i am rigth now. Even though i have been through HELL in my life there has been one constant through all the **** i have been through these past 7 years. Apolyton. When i felt like dying, 'Poly has ALWAYS been here for me. whether i am Bauser, AAHZ, Bauzer or whatever my damn name is. THis website is my GOD-DAMN HOME DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING! i dont want this site to die. Please God dont let 'Poly die. Whether if it is because Firaxis flops or 'Poly folds if there is no Apolyton in my life i simply will not be the same person that i am and have been. THis website gives me strength that simply cannot be replaced for me, Jon Miller. If i had a credit card and my credit didnt suck i would register as a lifer for 'Poly Plus right now.
            how did you survive before poly then? People find new homes, they may not be as good, but they are homes.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Bauzer
              after re-reading this thread i must say i made a right good ass out of myself this time. Classic
              you have never embarrassed yourself as much as I have over the years. It's not biggie.


              • #67
                And you call everyone else here losers!
                You're dumber than a doornail. I didn't do any of that, that's what is called sarcasm. All I did was go into the off topic forum and saw there were more active topics.


                • #68
                  Let them have quantity. We'll take quality. After all, they were the ones who actually believed the April Fool's stunt.
                  "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                  "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Bauzer
                    EoN i am in a different Zone of anger right now. I suck up to NO MAN and if somebody dosent see my point of view then they can get on their damn knees and relieve me.

                    Apolyton is my online home i dont care if i repeat this over and over for the next 5 years. We are letting this website die and it is because of smart-ass remarks like you have made, and like EVERYONE makes around here that nobody gives a rats-ass about 'Poly anymore outside of our little circle.

                    I dont care anymore what people think of me. i dont care if ALL of you hate me and see me as weak. Somebody has to wake yall up and realize that THIS WEBSITE IS DYING!

                    THERE I SAID IT DAMMIT! what the hell are we gonna do about it then?!? you can attack and flame me, fine. I am used to that. sometimes i even ENJOY it a little. But as GOD as my witness I will be here at this website until He deems otherswise.

                    Congratulations. You just won the "Most hysterical and drama-queeny post of the year" award.

                    Your prize is a hearty round of laughter. Ha ha ha. Like that.
                    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                    • #70
                      you got a problem with me, punk?
                      Order of the Fly
                      Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                      • #71
                        Long time member @ Apolyton
                        Civilization player since the dawn of time


                        • #72
                          You know the one thing ACS has that CivFanatics doesn't?
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                          "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                          He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                          • #73
                            goddammit i can post whatever the hell i want i am the damn king around here.
                            Order of the Fly
                            Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.

