Originally posted by Ned
1) Hitler invaded Poland to get back lost German lands, lost at Versailles.
1) Hitler invaded Poland to get back lost German lands, lost at Versailles.
It had nothing to do with righting the wrongs of Versailles in reality, but all to do with a racist, Volkisch vision of a German-dominated European empire of Aryans ruling over subject races.
Hitler immediately offered peace.
Are you seriously suggesting that he was being generous then too ?
Don't make me laugh.
He did not want war with Britain and France.
Clearly you dislike detail.
But that was denied by both France and German on the basis they could not trust Hitler.
The same man who had his forces enter Prague, and swallow up what was left of Czechoslovakia ?
Gosh, he does sound entirely trustworthy, doesn't he ?
Hitler invaded the USSR because he was convinced they had fallen in with England and were going to invade Germany.

molly, Churchill siezed two Turkish battleships on August 1, 1914.
Their seizure is "the" reason for Turkey allying with Germany
Believe what you want- the facts say differently:
In 1912, Enver travelled to Germany as a military attache. He learned to speak German fluently, and he returned to Constantinople wearing a waxed moustache slightly curled up at the ends, emulating the Prussian style of Kaiser Wilhelm. In his private conversation, Enver made no secret of his admiration for Germany. Enver's elevation to the Ministry of War was a boon for Germany. He immediately instituted a drastic reorganization. Enver had accepted the post (from the Committee, not the Sultan) only on condition that he should have a free hand, and he proceeded to exercise this with a consuming passion. The Enver-Talaat cadre always feared a revolution that would depose them as they had over their predecessors.
Even before World War I broke out, Enver was already contracting an alliance with Germany. So certain was he that Germany would invest in Ottoman rearmament, that he did not bother consulting with the Committee over the details of such an agreement. For anyone but Enver, failure to consult the Committee would have been a death sentence, particularly since many members of the Committee were either pro-French or simply anti-German. Many saw Germany as just another colonizing power attempting to take over parts of the Empire as the British and French and lately the Italians had. Some, like Jemal Pasha, were openly pro-France, and considered Germany's defeat inevitable in any future war.
Thus, Enver finally signed the alliance with Germany on 2nd August 1914, one day after Germany had declared war on Russia.
A treaty signed between the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire, two days before the British sequestered the cruisers.
The day after Churchill's act of war, the Ottoman Empire signed an alliance with Germany.
but on August 1, the day Britain committed an act of war on the Ottoman Empire.
I suggest you attempt to prove that it was an act of war. Perhaps by defining what an act of war is- objectively.
Now for the "real" reason for Britian entry into the war and for forcing the Ottoman Empire to choose to side with Germany:
More to the point- were you even aware of British-German cooperation on the Baghdad-Berlin Railway ?
No in both cases is my well-founded suspicion.