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Europe- The Atheist continent!?

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  • #76
    There are about 400,000 muslims in Belgium out of population of 10,5 million. The kind of growth you require to get to at least 5,5 million muslims by 2040 is never going to happen.
    DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


    • #77
      Originally posted by VJ

      If we presume that the rate of immigration is 0, this answer makes sense.

      You're talking about UK while I was talking about entirely other countries. About the demographics of those other countries -- well, I've already read and analysed existing calculations and done some of one my own with different scenarios, thank you very much from your concerns.
      So with immigration rate 0, your statement make no sense.
      Please tell us your expected immigration rate and rates of growth to get the required half in 30 years.
      3 million out of 60 million need to become 57 million out of 114 million to be half, assuming that the non-Muslim stay constant (which is a mild assumption and even assuming slight decrease, doesn't change the numbers much).

      So, again, please explain your figure on a 1800% increase in Muslim population in the next 30 years.

      BTW I don't care about your anecdotes about a specific neighborhood in Paris. You made a demographic statement. Back it up with demographic data, or we'll all safely assume you were talking our of your ass.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Colonâ„¢
        There are about 400,000 Muslims in Belgium out of population of 10,5 million. The kind of growth you require to get to at least 5,5 million Muslims by 2040 is never going to happen.
        Actually if you get 6 million new Muslims, that's 6.6 out of 10.5+6=16.5 still not half.

        It seems in Belgium VJ is saying there will be an increase from 400K Muslims to around 10 Million over the next 30 years.
        A more than 20-fold increase.


        • #79
          Originally posted by VJ
          Oh hey, I mentioned specific areas of Paris as an example.

          Spiffor coming to imitate Iraqi Information Minister in this thread because of his ideological concerns in 3... 2... 1...

          No really, just go there and you'll see what I'm talking about.
          You've been listening to too many crazy people talking about Eurabia. It ain't gonna happen.


          • #80
            Originally posted by VJ
            Oh hey, I mentioned specific areas of Paris as an example.
            The problem is it is an extremely unrepresentative example. The Eurabia stuff only works because many Americans think that France = Europe and Paris = France. No doubt there are plenty of Europeans who can't mentally seperate America from Texas.


            • #81
              Hey, I've been to the Bronx and I predict that America will be half-black in three decades !
              In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Asmodean
                The colour of Norther Ireland surprises me. Scene of one of the worst religious conflicts in the last century, and they don't really believe in God.

                Maybe they lost faith with the pointless killing?
                "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                -Joan Robinson


                • #83
                  I don't think N. Ireland has a separate colour from the rest of UK. Also, the conflick was more national and political then religious.
                  "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                  I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                  Middle East!


                  • #84
                    I know... I was trying to be funny.

                    I failed
                    "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                    -Joan Robinson


                    • #85
                      No. I am not even bothering to fall into a long-winded argument with you guys since it would be not only a waste of time, but also counter-productive: you'd just be sinking deeper into your prejudices if you'd have someone who'd tell you things which you aren't mentally ready for. I'm just creating quick noise so you'd remember it when the contrast between your ideological theories and reality becomes too stark to ignore.


                      • #86
                        These are the noises VJ makes when he's been completely pwned on the facts.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Lul Thyme
                          You made a demographic statement. Back it up with demographic data, or we'll all safely assume you were talking our of your ass.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by VJ
                            No. I am not even bothering to fall into a long-winded argument with you guys since it would be not only a waste of time, but also counter-productive: you'd just be sinking deeper into your prejudices if you'd have someone who'd tell you things which you aren't mentally ready for. I'm just creating quick noise so you'd remember it when the contrast between your ideological theories and reality becomes too stark to ignore.
                            It's ok VJ, that's about the response we expected.
                            We have data, you barely have anecdotes.

