It's 3.30 AM now and I just got home from the hospital...
Here I was at the pub, ready to leave to go to another pub for the Monday evening dartgame when one of my best girlfriends (who happens to live just across the street) ran in, rambling about Remi (her husband), accident and braindamage. And before I finished thinking WTF I saw the policecar in front of the pub, grabbed my coat (forgot to take my other things) and jumped in with her. My friend was totally not able to speak coherently so the police woman told me what happened.
Remi had an accident, a head on collision, and was taken to the hospital with severe brain damage. They drove us to the hospital (which was in another city), kept talking to Jet just to prevent a total break-down, walked us to the room were we had to wait for further information and stayed with us the whole time, in the meanwhile doing a hell of a job keeping her (and me) going insane. They even called the cops at the accident scene if they already knew what really happened.
After a while the surgeon came in and told us what condition Remi was in. They were monitoring the pressure in his brain because there was a blood prop in there but because they kept him artificially asleep they did't know if there was any brain damage. He has broken ribs, 8 at one side, 5 at the other, his liver is damaged, his pelvis is splintered, both his legs are broken, his right arm is broken and his jaw is broken in several places. And there are some other things that I forgot
I saw him twice tonigh, first when they brought him to the operating room and later after surgery. Images I won't forget for the rest of my life.
The doctor told us that the next 48 to 72 hours will tell us if he will come back to us and if so, how.
For now, I'm just happy he is still alive and although I'm not religious I'm going to look up to the sky for the next couple of days.
And talking about life's ironies, Jet, his wife, lost her then boy-friend 13 years ago because of liver failure at the age of 39. Remi just got 39 last month...
Please God, if you are there...
Here I was at the pub, ready to leave to go to another pub for the Monday evening dartgame when one of my best girlfriends (who happens to live just across the street) ran in, rambling about Remi (her husband), accident and braindamage. And before I finished thinking WTF I saw the policecar in front of the pub, grabbed my coat (forgot to take my other things) and jumped in with her. My friend was totally not able to speak coherently so the police woman told me what happened.
Remi had an accident, a head on collision, and was taken to the hospital with severe brain damage. They drove us to the hospital (which was in another city), kept talking to Jet just to prevent a total break-down, walked us to the room were we had to wait for further information and stayed with us the whole time, in the meanwhile doing a hell of a job keeping her (and me) going insane. They even called the cops at the accident scene if they already knew what really happened.
After a while the surgeon came in and told us what condition Remi was in. They were monitoring the pressure in his brain because there was a blood prop in there but because they kept him artificially asleep they did't know if there was any brain damage. He has broken ribs, 8 at one side, 5 at the other, his liver is damaged, his pelvis is splintered, both his legs are broken, his right arm is broken and his jaw is broken in several places. And there are some other things that I forgot

I saw him twice tonigh, first when they brought him to the operating room and later after surgery. Images I won't forget for the rest of my life.
The doctor told us that the next 48 to 72 hours will tell us if he will come back to us and if so, how.
For now, I'm just happy he is still alive and although I'm not religious I'm going to look up to the sky for the next couple of days.
And talking about life's ironies, Jet, his wife, lost her then boy-friend 13 years ago because of liver failure at the age of 39. Remi just got 39 last month...
Please God, if you are there...