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Happy Putin!

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  • Originally posted by Saras

    Lol, mineral exports were 53.8% in 2000 and grew to 65.7 in 2006. I was WRONG about diversified exports.
    You beat me. But mineral exports is not only gas and oil. And you don't have data for 2007, yet.

    In any case:
    The export growth/structure is not the same as GDP growth.

    And the GKS may LIE, there is lie, a big lie, and statistics. I have nothing more to say to defend my point.
    Last edited by Serb; December 17, 2007, 16:38.


    • I only respect Russian leaders with funny mustaches or bushy eyebrows. Putin has neither.


      • Then you are a dirty Stalinist!


        • Or a Brezhnevist.


          • Originally posted by Serb

            Most of the posters here do. At least I have such impression.
            Ahem, as we now saw they were right

            1.1 IIRC, the oil prices started to skyrocket at 2003, when US invaded Iraq.
            1.2 Russian economy has an average 7% annual growth since 2000, when Putin became a pesident - three years before the oil boom, when oil prices were still too low (between 2000-2003 we already had the same 7% annual GDP growth).

            2.1 Surelly, the growth of oil prices, no doubt gave a great bonus for Russia. I don't deny that.
            2.2 Surelly, the default of 1998 gave a great bonus to local manufacturers.
            2.3. However, how the bankruptcy of the country can be a good thing for the government of that country? We had to pay our foreign debt, no matter what. Eltsin's governmets were begging for foreing credits on their knees during 90's. And they ended up by declaring default (but still promised to repay GKO debts to foreign creditors).
            2.4. Putin's governments not only repaid Eltsin's debts. They also repaid the USSR debt, the Tzarist Russia debt and now we have a world's third largest money surpluss (430 billion USD) after China and Japan.
            2.5. What was I talking about? Ah, the fact you don't deny that our export structure is more diversified now then it was in 1998. You think it's not a for Putin? Do you think that he used bonus money to advance other sectors of our economy to make our export structure more diversified was a bad move? I don't think so.

            And finally:
            I do think that extra oil money and default of 1998 were, no doubt, an excellent kick to the ass for the Russian economy. It's pretty obvious. But the Russian economy became to grow before the oil boom. And it still shows constant growth untill now.

            Putin>>>Eltsin. More Russians vote for Putin than ever voted for Eltsin.
            The end of story.
            Which of the above is a "policy", I'm a bit confused
            Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
            Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
            Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


            • Originally posted by Riesstiu IV
              Or a Brezhnevist.


              • Originally posted by Saras

                Ahem, as we now saw they were right

                Which of the above is a "policy", I'm a bit confused
                None. They were just facts.
                You want me to make a full list of all governmental steps to improve the economy, to create a better investment climate they've made within the last 8 years?
                Who do you think I am a nobel prize winner for economy?

                Are you ready to make such complete analysis for free? Go ahead. I don't have time and skill for that. Surelly it's always easier to shout: "Putin has nothing to do with the GDP growth. It's all about the oil prices!".


                • Originally posted by Serb

                  None. They were just facts.
                  You want me to make a full list of all governmental steps to improve the economy, to create a better investment climate they've made within the last 8 years?
                  Who do you think I am a nobel prize winner for economy?

                  Are you ready to make such complete analysis for free? Go ahead. I don't have time and skill for that. Surelly it's always easier to shout: "Putin has nothing to do with the GDP growth. It's all about the oil prices!".
                  Dude, it was YOU attributing GDP growth to policies and not commodity prices. Burden of at least three bullet points is on you.

                  Trouble is, there are no such three bullet points in existance.
                  Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                  Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                  Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                  • Sechin is da man:

                    (Sorry, link in russian...)
                    Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                    Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                    Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                    • Originally posted by Saras

                      Dude, it was YOU attributing GDP growth to policies and not commodity prices. Burden of at least three bullet points is on you.

                      Trouble is, there are no such three bullet points in existance.
                      BS. It was Oerdin who said:"Putin did next to nothing about GDP. The world oil market did that". The burden of proof is on him.

                      I any case, I can prove both of you are wrong by the rule of contraries:

                      The share of net exports of goods&services in our GDP in 2006 was 12.6% (and share of oil and gas in the structure of our export, as you say, was about 65%).
                      So, the oil and gas export in the total figure of our GDP for 2006 give us:
                      (12.6*65)/100 = 8.19%.
                      So, the entire Russian oil&gas export represents only 8.19% of the Russian GDP (for 2006).
                      If we assume that "Putin has nothing to do with GDP growth (the 7% growth for 2006). It's all about oil prices!", then it means that all other sectors of the Russian economy (which represent other 91.81% of our GDP) stagnated, while the oil&gas export nearly doubled.

                      This is clearly not the case according to your figures. Your figures show that export of mineral products grew only 0.9% between 2005 and 2006.

                      What I am talking about is that 0.9% oil&gas export growth gives only ~ 0.5 GDP growth, not a 7% GDP growth we had in 2006.
                      Feel free to do a better math, if you don't like my calculations, or tell me a fairytale about 1x14 multiplier.
                      Last edited by Serb; December 17, 2007, 22:04.


                      • Originally posted by Saras
                        Sechin is da man:

                        (Sorry, link in russian...)
                        you do realize that this is pure BS?
                        1) Who the **** is this Shwartzman?
                        2) Why he reveals his crazy plans, if hopes to accomplish them?


                        • Ñîâîêóïíûé îáîðîò ãðóïïû â 2005 ãîäó -- $127 ìëí. 30,2% "Ôèíàíñãðóïï" ïðèíàäëåæèò ïðåçèäåíòó ãðóïïû Îëåãó Øâàðöìàíó. Ñàéò --


                          • ^Joopa joo, niinpä niin. Englantia kiitos.


                            • Originally posted by Serb you do realize that this is pure BS? 1) Who the **** is this Shwartzman? 2) Why he reveals his crazy plans, if hopes to accomplish them?
                              I don't think this is pure BS. This Shwartzman could be like a yuppie drunk with sudden power and wanting to share it so he can get, I dunno, chicks or something. And the stuff he describes fits in very well with what I hear from actual Russian businessmen.
                              Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                              Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                              Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                              • I think what Shwartzman said was another "pizdezh i provokaciya"

