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Obama = slaveowner

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  • #61
    Don't you think it should take less than a year of active campaigning to pick the ****ing candidates? It's silly...
    12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
    Stadtluft Macht Frei
    Killing it is the new killing it
    Ultima Ratio Regum


    • #62
      Sounds great, right? It would be, except Obama's father arrived in America in 1959, two years before JFK was inagurated, and Obama himself was born in 1961, four years before Bloody Sunday in Selma...
      Because one never does anything in the Senate...

      In Africa--the United States has ignored Latin A--Africa. We gave more scholarships to the Congo this summer, we offered them, than we've given to all of Africa the year before--less than 200 for all the countries of Africa--and they need trained leadership more than anything.
      -JFK during a debate with Nixon in '60
      The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is dedicated to the memory of our nation's thirty-fifth president and to all those who through the art of politics seek a new and better world.

      Edit: Actually, it was part of his Presidential campaign:
      A Matter of Policy. After months of turndowns, small hellos and evasions, the sponsors of the student airlift found themselves suddenly in the chips and in the news. All of the 250 students come from Kenya and other British areas in East Africa, and had been largely rounded up by Kenya Labor Leader Tom Mboya. A U.S. organization called the African American Students Foundation lined up scholarships for them at U.S. universities and colleges. The big need was transportation money. In December and again in January, the foundation asked the State Department for a $100,000 grant. The answer was a firm no from Career Diplomat Joseph C. Satterthwaite, chief of the State Department's African Desk. His reason was impeccable: the State Department freely helps students from independent new nations, but in colonial or trust territories, the department deals directly with the governing power: in short, State tries not to butt in too much in the British territory. A New York Negro named Frank Montero, president of the student foundation, wrote to Nixon, recalling his interest in Africa and asking for his help. Nixon turned Montero's request over to Satterthwaite, who promptly rejected it for the third time.

      Visiting the U.S. in July, Mboya wanted to meet both candidates. Nixon was busy in Chicago at the G.O.P. convention; Mboya sought out Jack Kennedy at his Hyannisport retreat. Concerned about the wavering U.S. Negro vote,

      Kennedy offered to contribute part of the airlift expenses from his family's Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation (named after the brother killed in World War II) and to look around for other private funds to help the grounded students. Sargent Shriver, Kennedy's brother-in-law and managing director of the family foundation, found no uncommitted funds in other charitable foundations, in the end recommended that the Kennedy Foundation put up the entire $100,000, and provide unstipulated help for students during their stay in the U.S.
      Last edited by Ramo; March 5, 2007, 15:52.
      "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


      • #63
        Originally posted by KrazyHorse
        Don't you think it should take less than a year of active campaigning to pick the ****ing candidates? It's silly...
        Resolves into two pieces. First the time from Iowa and NH to the convention. Second the lead up to NH and Iowa.

        First is cause we maintain the fiction that theres a steady buildup from Iowa to NH to the next round, to Calif near the end. To a theoretically contested convention. When in fact all the recent campaings (after 1980( have been resolved well before the convention, usually not long after New Hampshire. The whole primary schedule is anachronistic and messed up, and should be reformed.

        Second, is the pre-primary build up. GIVEN that Iowa selects in what, January, AND how important it is (today) its not unreasonable for campaigning to start there in the early fall. The beginning now has to do with building organization, and fund raising. Now public financing should mean you dont need to start early fund raising, but the main candidates are all dispensing with that since they can raise more privately. Organization is important for a new candidate like Obama. Arguably Hilary shouldnt need much time to assemble an org, since she has contacts from 92 and 96. Some say she got in too early, and that was a mistake.
        Last edited by lord of the mark; March 5, 2007, 12:05.
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


        • #64
          First is cause we maintain the fiction that theres a steady buildup from Iowa to NH to the next round, to Calif near the end. To a theoretically contested election. When in fact all the recent campaings (after 1980( have been resolved well before the convention, usually not long after New Hampshire. The whole primary schedule is anachronistic and messed up, and should be reformed.

          I agree. If you're going to hold primaries at all they should all be held on the same day.
          12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
          Stadtluft Macht Frei
          Killing it is the new killing it
          Ultima Ratio Regum


          • #65
            That might be effectively what'll happen. A few primaries and caucuses are in January, and then there's Super Early Tuesday on 2/5 that basically decides everything (CA, TX, FL, IL, MI, and NJ are all thinking of moving their primaries to this date).
            "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


            • #66
              Tactically as inept a move as Hillary's going ape****e over Geffin tongue lashing.

              The media isn't going to jump on this like they did on Hillary's response to Geffen. They're still friendly to Obama.

              Is this one going to stick any better than the madrassa thing?

              No. See above.

              Drake, you really have a hardon for Obama. Does this mean you're assuming he's going to win the Democratic nomination?

              I think Hillary's going to win it. I don't actually have anything against Obama; he seems like a decent and intelligent man, if too old-school liberal for my tastes. His deification amongst certain members of the left makes him too sweet a target to ignore, though. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't report on the Messiah's coke-snorting, Allahu akbaring, slave-owning hijinks...
              KH FOR OWNER!
              ASHER FOR CEO!!
              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!

