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What a vasectomy feels like

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  • #46
    I would only do it if like Laz, I was concerned about my Wife's life...

    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • #47
      I'll admit, before the procedure I was really wondering what was going to happen and how it would affect various parts of my life and such. I really had a hard time getting to a point that I acepted it. It took the better part of a year after my last child before I had officially run out of excuses.

      I had been fighting the decision for much longer but before the kids it was an esoteric idea of what might happen in the distant future "after we have all the kids we want". Then, all of the sudden, it was "after" and I had to actually make a decision.

      Now,having gone though it I see no reason this is not as manditory as innoculations. It was an absolute afterthought to the doctor. It took no more than a couple hours and three of those were paperwork. It didn't hurt and has no side affects whatsoever. It's not noticable and has had no affect on my "home life".

      Don't get me wrong, if you still want kids or don't have any yet or whatever then don't bother. This is a very permanent solution. But if you know for a fact that you are done then I fail to see any logical reason not to.

      Tom P.

