Originally posted by TCO
1. Like I said, I'm well aware that the militia are Shia. THat was your initial point. Don't take me for a Bush lackey who wants to pacify the place and fight all comers, etc. But thanks for the follow on clarification on which one of the SHia they were. I really can't be so arsed to worry about that.
2. I argue that partiticon (and cleansing is an effective way to get partition) is a means to stability. Read the website that I referred you to.
1. Like I said, I'm well aware that the militia are Shia. THat was your initial point. Don't take me for a Bush lackey who wants to pacify the place and fight all comers, etc. But thanks for the follow on clarification on which one of the SHia they were. I really can't be so arsed to worry about that.
2. I argue that partiticon (and cleansing is an effective way to get partition) is a means to stability. Read the website that I referred you to.