Yaaay, another 20,000+ troops into the meat grinder! (That's actually less than the number that have already been killed/wounded BTW...)

Too little, too late I say: obviously Bush is still in denial that he has already lost the war in Iraq...
Funny how history has a habit of repeating itself...?
From the BBC
So if Iraq isn't already America's 2nd Vietnam, Bush is doing his level best to make it so...
Which of you chickenhawks actually believes this 'surge' plan is actually a good idea? I want to take names now so I can humiliate you all in the future when this idea fails as it surely will...

Too little, too late I say: obviously Bush is still in denial that he has already lost the war in Iraq...
Funny how history has a habit of repeating itself...?
History does not repeat itself exactly, so what happened in Vietnam might not happen in Iraq, but there are parallels that are interesting to note
* First there is the realisation in Washington that it is not winning. Mr Bush has admitted this himself
* Second, there is a policy of trying to hand over responsibility to the local government in the midst of battle, not after it - this happened in Vietnam with the policy of Vietnamisation
* Third, there is the belief by the US administration that more troops are an important part of the answer
* Fourth, there is an opposite belief by others that the enterprise cannot work and that disengagement must be sought - US public doubt is a theme common to both conflicts
* Fifth, in Vietnam too the president consulted an outside group - they were called the Wise Men and, like the Iraq Study group, they too urged a policy designed to lead to withdrawal
* First there is the realisation in Washington that it is not winning. Mr Bush has admitted this himself
* Second, there is a policy of trying to hand over responsibility to the local government in the midst of battle, not after it - this happened in Vietnam with the policy of Vietnamisation
* Third, there is the belief by the US administration that more troops are an important part of the answer
* Fourth, there is an opposite belief by others that the enterprise cannot work and that disengagement must be sought - US public doubt is a theme common to both conflicts
* Fifth, in Vietnam too the president consulted an outside group - they were called the Wise Men and, like the Iraq Study group, they too urged a policy designed to lead to withdrawal
So if Iraq isn't already America's 2nd Vietnam, Bush is doing his level best to make it so...
Which of you chickenhawks actually believes this 'surge' plan is actually a good idea? I want to take names now so I can humiliate you all in the future when this idea fails as it surely will...